Results 21 entries found

Wednesday, November 30, 1836.+-

New Salem, IL.

[Before leaving for Vandalia, Lincoln draws up petition for county commissioners court requesting "establishment of a county road to commence at Middletown near Musick's bridge, thence the nearest and best rout [sic] to Meaddow's Mill at the Sugar Grove and thence to the county line." Petition is presented by Coleman Smoot December 5, 1836. Photocopy.]

Friday, November 30, 1838-Saturday, December 1, 1838.+-

Friday, November 30, 1838-Saturday, December 1, 1838.

Saturday, November 30, 1839.+-

Springfield, IL.

Lincoln has two cases called. He moves to dismiss Lockwood v. Wernwag and agrees to three months stay of execution in Kendall v. Moffett. He writes bill of exceptions for Nathaniel Hay, plaintiff, in Hay v. Lasswell & Mock. He earns $5 for services as commissioner in Huston v. Bogue, on making report. [On March 25, 1840, Lincoln took Kendall v. Moffett execution to Schuyler County, but nothing was realized for want of bidders. Docket D.] Record; Herndon-Weik Collection, Library of Congress, Washington, DC.

Monday, November 30, 1840.+-

Springfield, IL.

Lincoln does not attend morning session. He opposes move of Trumbull of St. Clair and other Democrats to have governor appoint agent to take over all books and property of internal improvement system, now under Board of Public Works.House Journal.

Tuesday, November 30, 1841.+-

Springfield, IL.

Spear v. Newton & Lewis is tried by court. Court awards plaintiff $75 and grants appeal to Supreme Court. Three cases are continued. Appeal to Supreme Court is granted in Maines v. Braucher. Lincoln represents plaintiff in each case.Record.

Wednesday, November 30, 1842.+-

Springfield, IL.

Irwin v. Ferguson et al. and VanBergen v. Witmer et al. are continued. North & Bassett v. State Bank of Illinois is tried by court and plaintiffs, Logan & Lincoln's clients, are awarded $2,714.83 and costs. Appeal to Supreme Court is granted defendant. Lincoln files report of arbitrators awarding plaintiff, his client, $54.87 in Langford v. Johnston. In Trailor v. Hill Lincoln writes and files amended answer, which Hill swears and signs.Record; Herndon-Weik Collection, Library of Congress, Washington, DC.

Thursday, November 30, 1843.+-

Springfield, IL.

Todd v. Ware is to be heard by judge December 9, 1843 in chambers. Both parties may take depositions in Springfield. Lincoln files award of arbitrators in Wood v. Foutch and moves award be judgment of court. Logan & Lincoln win two chancery cases, and get judgment of $341 for plaintiffs in Lane & Webb v. Edwards.Record.

Voluminous paper work of Todd v. Ware is in Lincoln's hand.Herndon-Weik Collection, Library of Congress, Washington, DC.

Saturday, November 30, 1844.+-

Springfield, IL.

Whigs caucus to select candidate for House and Senate offices. Lincoln probably attends.IHi—Journal, XXVIII, 249-50.

Saturday, November 30, 1850.+-

Springfield, IL.

Lincoln writes and signs, for Logan, Brayman, and Lincoln, assignment of errors in Webster & Huntington v. French et al.Herndon-Weik Collection, Library of Congress, Washington, DC.

Tuesday, November 30, 1852.+-

Springfield, IL and En route to Naples, IL.

Lincoln leaves for Ottawa where he and Noah Johnston are to sit as commissioners to hear claims against Illinois and Michigan Canal. He goes by way of Naples and Illinois River. Illinois Reports, 1853, No. 9.

Wednesday, November 30, 1853.+-

Springfield, IL.

On Lincoln & Herndon's motion, plaintiff in Popper v. Patton et al. is ruled to file bond for costs. In Hazlett v. Drennan et al. they move appointment of guardian ad litem for infant defendants. On their motion, bill is taken for confessed as to adult defendants. Third case is continued. Record.

Thursday, November 30, 1854.+-

Springfield, IL.

When court meets at nine o'clock, B. S. Edwards presents resolutions and makes brief eulogy of Welles. He then asks that resolutions be inscribed on record and that court adjourn until next day. Judge Davis so orders. Record.

Friday, November 30, 1855.+-

Springfield, IL.

Correll et al. v. McDaniel et al., will case which resulted in no verdict June 19, 1855, is tried again. Lincoln & Herndon represent defendants. Jury finds that paper in question is not McDaniel's will, and they lose case (see April 25, 1857). Record.

Monday, November 30, 1857.+-

Chicago, IL.

Lincoln writes Lyman Trumbull to ask him to serve notice on party to law suit. "What think you of the probable 'rumpus' among the democracy over the Kansas constitution? I think the Republicans should stand clear of it. In their view both the President and Douglas are wrong; and they should not espouse the cause of either, because they may consider the other a little farther wrong of the two." Abraham Lincoln to Lyman Trumbull, 30 November 1857, CW, 2:427-28.

Tuesday, November 30, 1858.+-

Springfield, IL.

Lincoln writes Henry C. Whitney requesting that he procure for him two sets of Chicago "Tribune" containing debates with Douglas. To William McNeely of Petersburg, who asked him to take case in Supreme Court, Lincoln writes, "I will attend to it." He writes Samuel C. Davis & Co. again, suggesting how to sell lands company had been awarded. Abraham Lincoln to Henry C. Whitney, 30 November 1858, CW, 3:343; Abraham Lincoln to William McNeely, 30 November 1858, CW, 3:343; Abraham Lincoln to Samuel C. Davis and Company, 30 November 1858, CW, 3:342-43.

Wednesday, November 30, 1859.+-

En route to St. Joseph, MO.

[To reach St. Joseph, Mo. on morning of December 1, 1859, Lincoln must have left Springfield this morning, going by rail to Quincy, crossing river and continuing to St. Joseph via another railroad.]

Friday, November 30, 1860.+-

Springfield, IL.

Lincoln has many visitors, among them Hugh White of New York, with whom he served in Congress, and "several Kentuckians of standing," who are favorably impressed with his "conversational powers." N.Y. Tribune, 1 December 1860; N.Y. Herald, 6 December 1860.

Lincoln writes Alexander H. Stephens requesting copy of speech Stephens has made in Georgia legislature. For John H. Littlefield, law student at his office, Lincoln writes: "I will pay five dollars to whomever will loan that sum to the bearer, Mr. Littlefield." Abraham Lincoln to Alexander H. Stephens, 30 November 1860, CW, 4:146; Note for John H. Littlefield, 30 November 1860, CW, 4:146.

Saturday, November 30, 1861.+-

Washington, DC.

President examines plans of Anna Ella Carroll, pamphleteer, for Tennessee River campaign submitted by Asst. Sec. Scott. Anna E. Carroll, "Plan of the Tennessee Campaign," North American Review 142 (April 1886):345-47.

Meets with Sec. Seward, Comdr. Dahlgren, and others at Gen. McClellan's residence in evening. Extracts from Dahlgren Diary, John G. Nicolay Papers, Library of Congress, Washington, DC.

Endorses letter of former President Fillmore regarding appointment of nephew, George M. Fillmore: "Respectfully submitted to the Sec. of War, remarking that it be very agreeable to me for Mr. Fillmore to be obliged." Abraham Lincoln to Simon Cameron, 30 November 1861, CW, 5:33.

Sunday, November 30, 1862.+-

Washington, DC.

President and Mrs. Lincoln attend services at New York Avenue Presbyterian Church."Castine" [Noah Brooks], Washington, December 4, 1862, in Sacramento Union, December 30, 1862. Asst. Sec. Fox at White House to see Mrs. Lincoln. Fox, Diary, Gist-Blair Family Papers, Library of Congress, Washington, DC.

Monday, November 30, 1863.+-

Washington, DC.

"President has been sick ever since Thursday [November 26]." Bates, Diary.

Lincoln still confined to bed but resumes work on message to Congress. Chicago Tribune, 1 December 1863.

Wednesday, November 30, 1864.+-

Washington, DC.

John W. Tatum, Delaware, and Joseph Tatum, New Jersey, members of Society of Friends, call on President in interest of three Friends confined among Confederate prisoners at Point Lookout, Md. Endorsement Concerning John W. and Joseph Tatum, 30 November 1864, CW, 8:124-25.

Lincoln consults with Judge Advocate General Joseph Holt regarding position of attorney general. Holt declines office and recommends James Speed. Joseph Holt to Abraham Lincoln, 1 December 1864, Abraham Lincoln Papers, Library of Congress, Washington, DC; Daily National Republican (Washington, DC), 2 December 1864, 2d ed., 2:1.

Recognizes Nicola Nicolas as vice consul of Italy at Louisville, Ky. Washington Chronicle, 2 December 1864.

Confers with Atty. Gen. Bates, who asks release of Dr. Richard G. Wharton from Vicksburg, Miss., prison. Bates to Lincoln, 2 December 1864, Abraham Lincoln Papers, Library of Congress, Washington, DC.

John Nicolay returns to his post after recovering from serious illness. Evening Star (Washington, DC), 1 December 1864, 2d ed., 2:1.