Results 16 entries found

Tuesday, April 3, 1838.+-

Springfield, IL.

Lincoln writes and evidently mails to Tremont James Bell's bond for costs in Kennedy & Julian v. Hawley, a case in the Tazewell County Circuit Court. Photocopy.

Saturday, April 3, 1841.+-

Springfield, IL.

On last day of term Lincoln appears with Scammon and Logan for plaintiff in Funk & Funk v. Taylor et al., impleaded with Breese and Vance, action in debt. Court awards plaintiff $800. In Crane v. Grubb, chancery case, Lincoln represents complainant and Shields defendant. Crane is awarded lien on land involved. He gets judgment for $584.38 for complainant in Wright v. Hewett and Baker, and writes court decree. Lincoln buys $1 worth of merchandise from a Springfield merchant.Record; Herndon-Weik Collection, Library of Congress, Washington, DC; Account, (copy), 3 April 1841, Irwin & Corneau Account Book, 252, microfilm, IHi, Springfield, IL.

Wednesday, April 3, 1844.+-

Tremont, IL.

Tazewell Circuit Court convenes. David Davis, Bloomington attorney who travelled Eighth Circuit in spring of 1844, wrote: "Politics rage now hereabouts. . . . The first day of every court is occupied with political speaking, usually by an Elector on each side of politics, each person generally taking some three or four hours. . . . Lincoln is the best stump speaker in the State."David Davis Papers, Abraham Lincoln Presidential Library and Museum, Springfield, IL.

Thursday, April 3, 1845.+-

Springfield, IL.

On execution docket in U.S. Circuit Court in two cases of Fassett et al. v. Blackwell, Logan & Lincoln receipt in full for judgments of $5260.97 and $1051.28.

Monday, April 3, 1848.+-

Washington, DC.

"Mr. Lincoln moved to suspend the rules of the House to take up the joint resolution from the Senate relative to contracts for the purchase of hemp for the use of the navy, for the purpose of referring it to the Committee on Naval Affairs." Motion fails to receive two-thirds majority necessary to suspend rules.Globe; Discussion in United States House of Representatives, 3 April 1848, CW, 1:462-63.

Wednesday, April 3, 1850.+-

Springfield, IL.

[Tazewell Circuit Court begins spring term in Tremont.]

Thursday, April 3, 1851.+-

Pekin, IL.

In People v. Hawley, court sustains motion of Lincoln and Haines to quash indictment for obstructing road. Parker and Lincoln secure rule on defendants in Hicks v. Meeker, trespass, to plead by Saturday. Record.

Monday, April 3, 1854.+-

Springfield, IL.

[Logan Circuit Court is in session at Lincoln.]

Thursday, April 3, 1856.+-

Lincoln, IL.

Patterson v. Stenett, Lincoln for defense, is tried by court, which finds for plaintiff with $322.66 judgment. Record.

Friday, April 3, 1857.+-

Bloomington, IL.

Arguments commence in Wyant case. Hogg opens for prosecution and Orme and Swett follow for defendant. Court adjourns before Swett finishes. Bloomington Pantagraph, 15 April 1857.

Tuesday, April 3, 1860.+-

Chicago, IL and Evanston, IL.

After court Lincoln visits Evanston as guest of his old friend Julius White, harbormaster and member of Chicago Board of Trade, informally receives at White's home, and is serenaded. ISLA—Files; Joseph S. Currey, Lincoln's Visit to Evanston in 1860 (Evanston, IL: n.p., 1914), 5.

Wednesday, April 3, 1861.+-

Washington, DC.

Cabinet in session most of forenoon discussing Fort Sumter, S.C., situation. Baltimore Sun, 4 April 1861.

President attends wedding of Commandant Franklin Buchanan's (USN) daughter at Navy Yard, but arrives too late for ceremony. Bruce, Tools of War, 9, 15.

Confers with Allan B. Magruder and sends him to Richmond to arrange consultation between Lincoln and Virginia Unionist, preferably former Cong. George W. Summers (Va.). Randall, Lincoln, 1:325-26.

Col. Keyes interviewed by President, who signs blanket order authorizing him to organize expedition to Fort Pickens, Fla. Erasmus D. Keyes, Fifty Years' Observation of Men and Events, Civil and Military (New York: Scribner, 1884), 387; Abraham Lincoln to Erasmus D. Keyes, 3 April 1861, CW, 4:320.

[Irwin withdraws $9 for payment of interest on scholarship, Illinois State University. Pratt, Personal Finances, 176.]

Thursday, April 3, 1862.+-

Washington, DC.

President directs secretary of war to keep in front of Washington corps of either Gen. McDowell or Gen. Sumner, and to send corps not kept to Gen. McClellan who will commence forward movement from new base at once. Abraham Lincoln to Edwin M. Stanton, 3 April 1862, CW, 5:179.

Writes Gen. Meigs: "I do not personally know Capt. [Asher R.] Eddy [of Rhode Island], so as to be able to ask a personal favor for him: yet I protest now, as heretofore, that my asking to have him relieved from duty . . . shall, to no extent, be set down to his disadvantage." Abraham Lincoln to Montgomery C. Meigs, 3 April 1862, CW, 5:178.

Friday, April 3, 1863.+-

Washington, DC.

Mr. Martin, Philadelphia artist, is engaged in painting full-length portraits of President and his two sons. Washington Chronicle, 3 April 1863.

At cabinet meeting Secs. Welles and Seward discuss letters of marque. Welles, Diary.

President Lincoln telegraphs Commander of the Army of the Potomac Major General Joseph Hooker concerning Lincoln's upcoming visit to Hooker's headquarters. Lincoln and others will depart the next evening "on the boat; go over from Acquia-creek to your camp Sunday morning; remain with you till Tuesday morning, and then return. Our party will probably not exceed six persons of all sorts." Lincoln's traveling companions include his wife Mary, their son Tad, Attorney General Edward Bates, and journalist Noah Brooks. Howard K. Beale, ed., The Diary of Edward Bates 1859-1866 (Washington, DC: United States Government Printing Office, 1933), 287; Abraham Lincoln to Joseph Hooker, 3 April 1863, CW, 6:161.

Sunday, April 3, 1864.+-

Washington, DC.

Lincoln confers with Joseph H. Barrett, commissioner of pensions, concerning attempted movement to postpone Baltimore Convention, called to meet in June. Abraham Lincoln to Joseph H. Barrett, 3 April 1864, CW, 7:279-80.

At night O. H. Browning calls on President on behalf of Ludwell Y. Browning, prisoner at Camp Douglas, Ill., and sees draft of Lincoln's letter addressed to A. G. Hodges. Browning, Diary.

Monday, April 3, 1865.+-

City Point, VA and Petersburg, VA.

At 8 A.M. President starts for meeting with Gen. Grant in Petersburg, Va., now evacuated. Official Records—Armies 1, XLVI, pt. 3, 508; Abraham Lincoln to Edwin M. Stanton, 3 April 1865, CW, 8:384-85.

Receives message from Grant suggesting that he come to headquarters. Train is made up and takes Presidential party to Patrick Station, about mile from town. President and Tad proceed in ambulance. Barnes, "With Lincoln," 744.

Lincoln on special train receives message at Pitkin Station from Robert: "I am awaiting you at Hancock Station." Robert T. Lincoln to Abraham Lincoln, 3 April 1865, Abraham Lincoln Papers, Library of Congress, Washington, DC.

Lincoln and Grant talk for hour and half in small house in Petersburg. Ulysses S. Grant, Personal Memoirs, 2 vols. (London: Low, Marston, Searle & Rivington, 1886), 2:452-59; Abraham Lincoln to Edwin M. Stanton, 3 April 1865, CW, 8:385.

President returns to train and to USS Malvern, flagship of Rear Admiral Porter, in high spirits. Receives message from Gen. Weitzel in evening that Richmond is being evacuated. Barnes, "With Lincoln," 745-46.

[Weitzel takes possession of Richmond at 8:15 A.M. Official Records—Armies 1, XLVI, pt. 3, 510.]

At 5 P. M., from City Point, Virginia, located near the front lines and General Ulysses S. Grant's headquarters, Lincoln writes to his wife, Mary. The Lincoln's youngest son Tad accompanies his father. Lincoln reports on the war's progress and on a visit with their oldest son Robert. Lincoln writes, "Petersburg & Richmond are both in our hands; and Tad & I have been to the former & been with Bob four or five hours. He is well & in good spirits. Come down as you proposed." CW, 10:285.

At 5 P.M. President telegraphs Secretary of War Stanton from City Point: "Yours received. Thanks for you caution; but I have already been to Petersburg, staid with Gen. Grant an hour & a half and returned here. It is certain now that Richmond is in our hands, and I think I will go there to-morrow. I will take care of myself." Abraham Lincoln to Edwin M. Stanton, 3 April 1865, CW, 8:385.