Results 19 entries found

Tuesday, February 28, 1837.+-

Vandalia, IL.

Senate joins House to select permanent seat of government. Springfield leads 20 towns on first ballot, and receives majority on fourth (Springfield 73, Vandalia 16, Jacksonville 11, Peoria 8, Alton 6, Illiopolis 3). Six other towns receive one vote each.House Journal.

Thursday, February 28, 1839.+-

Vandalia, IL.

House turns down, 39 to 36, bill to increase capital of Bank of Illinois. Afternoon motion to reconsider is accepted, and on second vote bill fails 39 to 38. Lincoln, Edwards, and Elkin vote yea. Lincoln votes yea with majority to pass Senate bill incorporating Quincy House Co.House Journal.

Friday, February 28, 1840.+-

Springfield, IL.

[Whig committee, Lincoln, Henry, Barrett, Baker, and Speed, say they will superintend "The Old Soldier," but all good Whigs are its editors, and those who fought under Harrison are asked to write their views. Democrats object to Whigs organizing, but, says their committee, "We will meet, conquer and disperse Gen. Harrison's and the Countries enemies!"Sangamo Journal, 28 February 1840.]

Monday, February 28, 1842.+-

Springfield, IL.

XML error in Log entry

Tuesday, February 28, 1843.+-

Springfield, IL.

Lincoln concludes argument in Dorman et ux. v. Lane.Record.

Wednesday, February 28, 1844.+-

Springfield, IL.

Lincoln writes praecipe and bond for plaintiff in Johnson v. Wickersham. Photocopy.

Monday, February 28, 1848.+-

Washington, DC.

Putnam of New York introduces resolution, similar to Wilmot Proviso, prohibiting slavery in territory acquired from Mexico. Lincoln votes against motion to table, but motion passes, 105-92. House passes bill giving Mrs. Adams franking privilege for life. It then goes into Committee of Whole to consider deficiency appropriation bill.Globe.

Wednesday, February 28, 1849.+-

Washington, DC.

Lincoln reports Senate bill from Committee on Post Office and Post Roads. Bill is passed and returned to Senate. Globe.

House holds evening session at which Lincoln presents petition of citizens of Morgan County praying Congress to abolish slave trade in District of Columbia. Journal.

Saturday, February 28, 1852.+-

Springfield, IL.

Mrs. Lincoln sends Robert to John Williams' store for $1.75 "Black Lawn Veil." Pratt, Personal Finances, 145.

Tuesday, February 28, 1854.+-

Springfield, IL.

Lincoln has very important case in Supreme Court—Illinois Central RR v. McLean County, Illinois & Parke. Case involves construction of company's charter exempting it from taxation in return for payment to state of proportion of earnings. Lincoln and Joy argue orally for appellant, Logan and Stuart for appellee. Case is continued (see January 16, 1856). Record; 17 Ill. 291.

Wednesday, February 28, 1855.+-

Springfield, IL.

Lincoln files bill in Alexander et al. v. Darneille et al.Record.

Saturday, February 28, 1857.+-

Chicago, IL.

In Chicago's Metropolitan Hall, Lincoln speaks to Republicans, who gather to endorse a slate of "municipal officers." Lincoln's speech notes indicate that he stresses party unity. He writes, "We were without party history, party pride, or party idols. We were a collection of individuals, but recently in political hostility, one to another; and thus subject to all that distrust, and suspicion, and jealousy could do. . . . Let minor differences, and personal preferences, if there be such; go to the winds." Daily Democratic Press (Chicago, IL), 2 March 1857, 3:3; Notes for Speech at Chicago, Illinois, 28 February 1857, CW, 2:390-91.

Monday, February 28, 1859.+-

Chicago, IL.

Lincoln is in Chicago. Mrs. Lincoln writes note to O. M. Hatch, who intends to be in Chicago, asking him to tell Lincoln that Tad is ill, and doctor fears pneumonia. She would be comforted if Lincoln were to return. ISLA—Files.

Tuesday, February 28, 1860.+-

Providence, RI.

Lincoln speaks in evening. Gov. Hoppin calls meeting to order, and Thomas A. Jenckes introduces Lincoln. "Railroad Hall was filled to overflowing . . . by an audience to welcome and to hear the great champion of Republicanism in Illinois." Illinois State Journal, 7 March 1860; Speech at Providence, Rhode Island, 28 February 1860, CW, 3:550-51.

Thursday, February 28, 1861.+-

Washington, DC.

Sen. Crittenden (Ky.) calls to talk compromise. Several New York delegations see Lincoln about cabinet appointments and other matters. William E. Baringer, A House Dividing: Lincoln as President Elect (Springfield, IL: Abraham Lincoln Association, 1945), 319.

Cong. Elbridge G. Spaulding (N.Y.), capitalist, gives private dinner at National Hotel in honor of Lincoln and Vice President-elect Hamlin; Gen. Scott present, also some Republican leaders depressed by prospect of losing Southern business. Evening enlivened by Lincoln remarking, apropos news item about Georgian oath to wear no clothes produced under Republican regime, that he would like to see some Georgia gentlemen clad in the costume produced in their state—a shirt collar and a pair of spurs. Fletcher Pratt, History of the Civil War (New York: Pocket Books, 1956), 4-5; National Intelligencer, 2 March 1861.

Lincoln and Hamlin make speeches responding to serenade by Republican Association. Baltimore Sun, 2 March 1861; Response to a Serenade, 28 February 1861, CW, 4:247-48.

George S. Boutwell, former governor of Massachusetts, and Gen. Wool hold long interviews with Lincoln. N.Y. Times, 1 March 1861.

Friday, February 28, 1862.+-

Washington, DC.

Cabinet meets. Discusses license to trade in seceded territory. Bates, Diary.

President visits Navy Yard and Arsenal. Elizabeth Edwards to Julia Baker, 1 March 1862, Ninian Edwards Papers, Abraham Lincoln Presidential Library and Museum, Springfield, IL.

Interviews Gen. McClellan on failure of program at Harper's Ferry, Va. Sen. Wade (Ohio) and Mil. Gov. Andrew Johnson (Tenn.) present. William D. Kelley, Lincoln and Stanton: A Study of the War Administration of 1861 and 1862: with Special Consideration of Some Recent Statements of Gen. George B. McClellan (New York: Putnam, 1885), 29.

Drinks tea with Elizabeth Todd Edwards, sister of Mrs. Lincoln, at White House during evening. Elizabeth Edwards to Julia Baker, 1 March 1862, Ninian Edwards Papers, Abraham Lincoln Presidential Library and Museum, Springfield, IL.

Issues order: "I hereby license and permit such commercial intercourse in all cases within the Rules and Regulations which have been, or may be, prescribed by the secretary of the treasury for the conducting and carrying on of the same, on the inland waters and ways of the United States." Order Relating to Commercial Intercourse, 28 February 1862, CW, 5:139.

Saturday, February 28, 1863.+-

Washington, DC.

President calls special session of Senate for March 4, 1863 to handle backlog of appointments and promotions. Proclamation Convening the Senate, 28 February 1863, CW, 6:120-21.

Transmits to Senate correspondence with workingmen in England. Abraham Lincoln to the Senate, 28 February 1863, CW, 6:121.

Sends to Congress documentation regarding "distressed operatives of Blackburn," England. Abraham Lincoln to the Senate and House of Representatives, 28 February 1863, CW, 6:121-22.

Arthur M. Eastman, arms manufacturer of Massachusetts, confers with Lincoln about guns as directed by Sec. Stanton . Abraham Lincoln to Edwin M. Stanton, 28 February 1863, CW, 6:122.

Following customary practice at the close of a Congressional session, Lincoln occupies President's Room at Capitol to facilitate public business by saving the Committee on Enrolled Bills from traveling the length of Pennsylvania Avenue for his signature. Daily National Republican (Washington, DC), 28 February 1863, 2d ed., 2:4; N.Y. Herald, 1 March 1863.

Does not attend usual Saturday afternoon reception at White House. Mrs. Lincoln and Private Secretary William O. Stoddard greet guests. Daily National Republican (Washington, DC), 28 February 1863, 2d ed., 2:4; Washington Chronicle, 2 March 1863.

Sunday, February 28, 1864.+-

Washington, DC.

President receives report that in joint caucus Union members of Ohio Legislature voted unanimously for his renomination. Day to Dennison, 27 February 1864, Abraham Lincoln Papers, Library of Congress, Washington, DC.

Telegraphs Adjt. Gen. Thomas at Louisville, Ky.: "I wish you would go to the Mississippi river at once, and take hold of, and be master in, the contraband and leasing business." Abraham Lincoln to Lorenzo Thomas, 28 February 1864, CW, 7:212.

Tuesday, February 28, 1865.+-

Washington, DC.

President interviews Anthony A. C. Rogers of Arkansas, relative to prisoner of war at Camden, Ark. Abraham Lincoln to Ethan A. Hitchcock, 28 February 1865, CW, 8:324.

Transmits to Senate communication from secretary of war and report of court of inquiry into explosion of mine in front of Petersburg, Va. Abraham Lincoln to Hannibal Hamlin, 28 February 1865, CW, 8:324.