Results 19 entries found

Saturday, April 23, 1814.+-

Elizabethtown, KY.

[Thomas Lincoln calls at Hardin County court house to get deed to Mill Creek farm. Deed has been in file since he purchased farm in 1803.Deed Book B, 253 (marginal note); Warren, Parentage and Childhood, 115.]

Monday, April 23, 1832-Thursday, April 26, 1832.+-

Monday, April 23, 1832-Thursday, April 26, 1832.

Lincoln and other captains hold light drills. On 25th, Lincoln draws from Brigade Quartermaster William Thomas corn, pork, salt, one barrel of flour, and five and a half gallons of whiskey. Next day he draws fifty pounds of lead. Quartermaster's Record, Black Hawk War Collection, Abraham Lincoln Presidential Library and Museum, Springfield, IL.

[Sangamo Journal, April 26, 1832, bursts into poetry:

Brave Sangamo hath arm'd
All to defend her right
Arouse ye bold Kentucky boys
The foremost in the fight
Away! away! away!

Two Sauk messengers sent by Gen. Atkinson return from Black Hawk's camp and report that Black Hawk and chiefs of band say they have "no bad intentions," but will not return to west side of Mississippi. IHi—Journal of Felix St. Vrain, 26 April 1832, Photocopy.]

Tuesday, April 23, 1839.+-

Carthage, IL.

Lincoln and T. Lyle Dickey defend Wm. Fraim for murder of Wm. Neathhammer February 17, 1838. Fraim, aged 20, employed on steamer Hero, stabbed fellow laborer in drunken brawl at Frederick. Case has come to Hancock County on change of venue. Jury brings in verdict of guilty. Lincoln files motion for arrest of judgment.Record.

Saturday, April 23, 1842.+-

Springfield, IL.

XML error in Log entry

Tuesday, April 23, 1844.+-

Springfield, IL.

Lincoln & Logan and wives convey lot on Adams Street between Fourth and Fifth Streets to Charles Dresser for $300. This is part payment on Lincoln's home at Eighth and Jackson.ISLA—Papers, 1925, 34.

Wednesday, April 23, 1845.+-

Bloomington, IL.

Logan & Lincoln collect from Thomas Moffett $10 as fee for services rendered Justus Hinkle, deceased.Photocopy.

[Mrs. Lincoln's hired girl buys yard of "Lawn" (sheer cloth) for 50¢.Irwin Ledger and Journal.]

Thursday, April 23, 1846.+-

Bloomington, IL.

["Sangamo Journal" reprints Lincoln's story of Fisher murder trial from Quincy "Whig." "Whig" said, "The following narrative has been handed us for publication by a member of the bar," probably Abraham Jonas.The Trailor Murder Case, 15 April 1846, CW, 1:371-76.]

Monday, April 23, 1849.+-

Springfield, IL.

Lincoln gives John E. Roll, carpenter, six walnut doors in part payment for remodeling his house. IHi—Journal, XIX, 159-60.

Wednesday, April 23, 1851.+-

Mount Pulaski, IL.

Lincoln writes Lewis M. Hays of Gosport, Indiana that he has brought suit in Logan Circuit Court "against Turley." Suit will be tried in Oct., and he sends papers to be filled out. Abraham Lincoln to Lewis M. Hays, 23 April 1851, CW, 2:105.

Friday, April 23, 1852.+-

Bloomington, IL.

In the McLean County Circuit Court, Lincoln and his co-counsel William H. Holmes reintroduce their case, Hawks, Osborn & Company v. Major, a suit which the Illinois Supreme Court had remanded to McLean County. Lincoln and Holmes represent plaintiffs Matthew H. Hawks, James T. Walton, and Harmon Osborn. The litigants agree to continue the case until the next term, and Judge David Davis orders the continuance. Lincoln represents defendant Augustus R. Burbank in the case of Gridley v. Burbank. Plaintiff Asahel Gridley is suing Burbank for trespass on the case upon promises, and he seeks $200 in damages. Lincoln appears in court for Burbank, but Burbank fails to enter a plea. The court rules in favor of Gridley and orders Burbank to pay him $136.35 in damages "by reason of the breach of promises." The court also orders Burbank to pay the court costs. Order, 23 April 1852, Hawks, Osborn & Company v. Major, Common Law Record 4, 282; Order, 23 April 1852, Gridley v. Burbank, Common Law Record 4, 282, both in McLean County Circuit Court, McLean County Courthouse, Bloomington, IL.

Monday, April 23, 1855.+-

Metamora, IL.

Woodford Circuit Court convenes for three days. Lincoln has one case—Gowen for use of William S. Denman & Co. v. Bilder, appeal—and that is settled by agreement. Judgment for $86.60 is entered in favor of plaintiff, his client, and execution stayed for 90 days. Record.

Wednesday, April 23, 1856.+-

Metamora, IL.

Five of Lincoln's cases are called, but only one comes to trial, Hammers & Myers v. Herron, with Shope, Powell and Lincoln representing plaintiffs and Purple defendant. Jury finds no damages, but plaintiffs are ordered to pay costs. In one of four cases, all continued, "Abraham Lincoln Esqr" is appointed guardian ad litem. Record.

Thursday, April 23, 1857.+-

Springfield, IL.

The case of Browning v. Springfield, Illinois, is back in the Sangamon County Circuit Court, where the court hears "the argument of counsel" after which the court takes "time to consider" the matter. While walking in Springfield, plaintiff Oliver Browning fell and broke his leg. He retained Abraham Lincoln and William Herndon and sued the city for neglecting to keep its streets in repair. The jury found for the city, and Browning appealed to the Illinois Supreme Court, which reversed and remanded the judgment back to the circuit court. Opinion, December 1855 Term, Browning v. Springfield, Illinois, Journal & Opinion Record SC CGD 1855-1861, 55-59, Illinois Supreme Court, Illinois State Archives, Springfield, IL; Order, 23 April 1857, Browning v. Springfield, Illinois, Record P, 1856-1857, 402, Sangamon County Circuit Court, Illinois State Regional Archives Depository, University of Illinois at Springfield, Springfield, IL; Illinois State Journal (Springfield), 24 April 1857, 2:3.

Friday, April 23, 1858.+-

Urbana, IL.

To T. A. Marshall of Charleston Lincoln writes: "I wish you, G. W. Rives of Edgar, and O. L. Davis of Vermilion, to co-operate in getting a Senatorial candidate on the track, in your District. Davis is here, and agrees to do his part. The adversary has his eye upon that district, and will beat us, unless we also are wide awake. . . . I am most anxious to know that you will not neglect the matter." Abraham Lincoln to Thomas A. Marshall, 23 April 1858, CW, 2:443.

Saturday, April 23, 1859.+-

Urbana, IL.

[Mrs. Lincoln buys tablecloth, two kinds of silk, and pins at Smith's. Pratt, Personal Finances, 156.]

Tuesday, April 23, 1861.+-

Washington, DC.

Lincoln paces floor awaiting troops for defense of Washington. Nicolay, Lincoln's Secretary, 95.

Cabinet meeting around noon. Margaret Leech, Reveille in Washington 1860-1865 (New York: Harper, 1941), 64.

Wednesday, April 23, 1862.+-

Washington, DC.

President discusses army maneuvers with Sec. Stanton who orders Gen. McDowell not to cross Rappahannock. Committee on Conduct of War, Report (1863), 1:271.

Mrs. Lincoln sends Mrs. Fox flowers and three potted plants. Fox, Diary, Gist-Blair Family Papers, Library of Congress, Washington, DC.

Lincoln writes Gen. James W. Ripley: "I expected that when under the clause [in contract for guns] the price of a particular quality of gun was fixed it would stand throughout the transaction, neither going down or up. I still think this is the just construction." Abraham Lincoln to James W. Ripley, 23 April 1862, CW, 5:196-97.

Thursday, April 23, 1863.+-

Washington, DC.

President allegedly attends spiritualist seance in White House. Nothing happens until Lincoln leaves. Then spirits pinch Sec. Stanton 's ears and tweak Sec. Welles' beard. Elizabeth Lindsey, "Observance of the Lincoln Centennial," Lincoln Herald 59 (Fall 1957):14.

President commutes one, and approves another, of two sentences to shoot soldiers for desertion. Evening Star (Washington, DC), 23 April 1863, 2d ed., 2:1.

Commends former Cong. Segar (Va.) for showing interest in section of Emancipation Proclamation pertaining to "Eastern Shore of Virginia." Abraham Lincoln to Joseph Segar, 23 April 1863, CW, 6:186-87.

Saturday, April 23, 1864.+-

Washington, DC.

President sends John Hay to Fortress Monroe, Va., with Asst. Sec. Fox for conference with Gen. Butler. Abraham Lincoln to Gustavus V. Fox, [23 April 1864], CW, 7:310.

Orders withdrawal of Gen. Blair's resignation and his assignment to new command. Abraham Lincoln to Edwin M. Stanton, 23 April 1864, CW, 7:312.

Accepts proposition of governors of Ohio, Indiana, Illinois, Iowa, and Wisconsin to raise 85,000 men to serve 100 days in approaching campaign. Abraham Lincoln to Edwin M. Stanton, 23 April 1864, CW, 7:312-13.

Interviews Mrs. Ward, sister of late John M. Weimer, and refers to Gen. Rosecrans her request for permission to return to St. Louis. Abraham Lincoln to William S. Rosecrans, 23 April 1864, CW, 7:310-11.

Transmits to Senate report of secretary of war regarding appointment of brigadier generals. Abraham Lincoln to the Senate, 23 April 1864, CW, 7:311.

Sends to Congress copy of note from Lord Lyons to secretary of state on subject of two British naval officers who recently received medical treatment at naval hospital at Norfolk. Abraham Lincoln to the Senate and House of Representatives, 23 April 1864, CW, 7:311.