Results 22 entries found

Monday, May 21, 1832.+-

En route up Rock River.

Army meets William S. Hamilton at noon about six miles below Kishwaukee River. He reports that Indians had passed up that river. Regulars encamp above mouth of Old Man's Creek, and volunteers below. This is third camp above Dixon. Day's march is 16 miles. On march up Rock, volunteers apparently follow trail which is sometimes distant from river, but they encamp on river each night with regulars, who are in charge of keelboats.Johnston Journal, Black Hawk War Collection, Abraham Lincoln Presidential Library and Museum, Springfield, IL; Elliott, Services of Illinois Soldiers, xvii.

Saturday, May 21, 1836.+-

New Salem, IL.

[Lincoln certifies plat of his survey of town of Huron, which is recorded in Sangamon County. Town, situated at George G. Miller's ferry on south bank of Sangamon River at eastern terminus of proposed Beardstown and Sangamon Canal, 12 miles northwest of New Salem, is being promoted by several leading Springfield business men. Sale of lots was held April 2, 1836. Sangamon County Deed Record, Book J, 321-22;]

Monday, May 21, 1838.+-

Decatur, IL.

[The Cass County Circuit Court meets at Beardstown for a two-day term with Judge Jesse B. Thomas, Jr. presiding.Record.]

Tuesday, May 21, 1839.+-

Springfield, IL.

[Frances Todd, sister of Mary Todd , is married to Dr. William S. Wallace of Springfield.]

Thursday, May 21, 1840.+-

Clinton, IL?

[Dewitt County Court convenes for three-day term. Records of court for 1840's are available but absence of dockets makes it impossible to determine Lincoln's cases when his name does not appear on record.] Scott v. Troxel is dismissed by agreement at plaintiff's cost.Record.

Saturday, May 21, 1842.+-

Danville, IL.

On the final day of the Vermilion County Circuit Court, Lincoln represents defendant William Fithian in two cases. In Cunningham v. Fithian & Juneau, Lincoln writes a decree and files it with the court. In the case of McDonald v. Fithian & Juneau, the plaintiff files an affidavit. The court continues both cases to the next term.Decree, 21 May 1842, Cunningham v. Fithian & Juneau, copy files, Henry Horner Lincoln Collection, IHi, Springfield, IL; Decree, 21 May 1842, McDonald v. Fithian & Juneau, Circuit Court Record B, 364, Vermilion County Circuit Court, Vermilion County Courthouse, Danville, IL.

[Someone purchases $2 worth of merchandise from a Springfield store and charges it to Abraham Lincoln's account . Account of Abraham Lincoln (copy), 21 May 1842, Irwin & Corneau Account Book, 252, microfilm, IHi, Springfield, IL.]

Tuesday, May 21, 1844.+-

Springfield, IL.

Lincoln writes to Hardin to send documents to Thomas Campbell of Spring Creek. "Rob't W. Canfield, says he would like to have a document or two from you. The Locos here are in considerable trouble about Van Buren's letter on Texas." Van Buren's opposition to annexation displeased Springfield Democrats.Abraham Lincoln to John J. Hardin, 21 May 1844, CW, 1:336.

Lincoln buys two fire screens at 50¢ each.Irwin Ledger.

Sunday, May 21, 1848.+-

Washington, DC.

Lincoln writes to Peck in attempt to refute his argument. If Peck will admit facts, Lincoln will "be obliged for a reference to any law of language, law of states, law of nations, law of morals, law of religion,—any law human or divine, in which an authority can be found for saying those facts constitute `no aggression.'"Abraham Lincoln to John M. Peck, 21 May 1848, CW, 1:472-73.

He also writes to Mrs. Lincoln. This is not extant, but referred to in his letter of 24th.

Monday, May 21, 1849.+-

Springfield, IL.

Lincoln writes and files a praecipe for the plaintiffs in Cantrall et ux. v. Primm, a slander case before the Sangamon County Circuit Court. Photocopy.

[Shelby Circuit Court opens its session at Shelbyville.]

Tuesday, May 21, 1850.+-

Shelbyville, IL.

Lincoln represents defendant in slander suit—Fancher v. Gollogher. Issue is joined on defendant's plea of not guilty. Jury finds defendant guilty on two counts and not guilty on two others. Court awards plaintiff $1,000 damages. Plaintiff remits his damages, but retains his right to costs. Record.

In another slander suit, Tenery et ux. v. Sturgeon, Lincoln writes and files pleas, signing "Ficklin & Lincoln p.d." Photocopy.

Wednesday, May 21, 1851.+-

Shelbyville, IL.

In Fancher v. Gollogher, slander, issue is joined on defendant's plea of not guilty. Jury finds defendant guilty on two counts and not guilty on two. Plaintiff's damages are assessed at $1,000. Plaintiff remits damages but retains his right to costs. Linder and Moulton are plaintiff's attorneys, Lincoln is defendant's. Record; Herndon-Weik Collection, Library of Congress, Washington, DC.

Friday, May 21, 1852.+-

Paris, IL.

In the Edgar County Circuit Court, Lincoln and Milton M. Dill represent defendant John A. Metcalf in the assumpsit suit of Alexander v. Metcalf. The court rules in favor of the plaintiff and orders Metcalf to pay $41.83 and the court costs. Lincoln and Dill represent plaintiff Sally Whitley in the chancery case of Whitley v. Alexander et al. James Steele and Charles Emerson, attorneys for the defendants, file a replication to Whitley's bill of complaint, and the court continues the case. Lincoln defends William Maxwell in the appeal case of Cassady v. Maxwell. The jury decides in favor of plaintiff James M. Cassady, but awards him only $13.50, a reduction from the $40 awarded by the lower court. In the chancery case of Diblee, Richardson & Company v. Tenbrook et al., Lincoln, one of the plaintiffs' attorneys, writes an answer for two of the defendants: Mary Chestnut and James W. Ross. Lincoln also writes the decree in which the court orders that the case "be set down and stand for hearing at the next term of this court"; Lincoln files the decree with the court.Order, 21 May 1852, Alexander v. Metcalf, Order Book 3, 308; Decree, 21 May 1852, Whitley v. Alexander et al., Order Book 3, 309; Order, 21 May 1852, Cassady v. Maxwell, Order Book 3, 306, all in Edgar County Circuit Court, Edgar County Courthouse, Paris, IL; Answers of Mary Chestnut and James W. Ross, 22 May 1852, Diblee, Richardson & Company v. Tenbrook et al.; Decree, 21 May 1852 Diblee, Richardson & Company v. Tenbrook et al., both in Lincoln Collection, University of Chicago Library, Department of Special Collections, Chicago, IL.

Saturday, May 21, 1853.+-

Clinton, IL.

In Harrold v. Montgomery et al., Moore, for defendants, files exceptions to complainants' depositions. After argument, exceptions are sustained. Lincoln and Gridley appear for complainants. Lincoln argues against motion by defendant to dissolve injunction in Smallwood et al. v. Allen. It is overruled. (See 18 October 1853, 21 October 1853.) Record.

Monday, May 21, 1855.+-

Urbana, IL.

"May term of the Circuit Court of Champaign Co. is in session in this place this week, Hon. David Davis presiding," Urbana Union notes (May 24, 1855). "The lawyers who usually attend the sittings of our court are present on this occasion. The business on the Dockets is of that character that does not require much time—being mostly suits that are not litigated. Several indictments found at the last term come up for trial."

Wednesday, May 21, 1856.+-

Urbana, IL.

Chiniquy case occupies court all day. "Plaintiff brought up among his witnesses another priest who was impeached by the opposite party, whose witnesses swore they would not believe him under oath." Urbana Union, 29 May 1856.

Thursday, May 21, 1857.+-

Chicago, IL.

Lincoln, described by Chicago Journal as "the successor of Stephen A. Douglas in the U.S. Senate," is in Chicago. Chicago Journal, 22 May 1857.

Saturday, May 21, 1859.+-

Springfield, IL.

Lincoln files praecipe in McCallum, Bristol & Co. v. Illinois River RR in U.S. Circuit Court. Files.

He deposits $24.75 at bank. Marine Bank Ledger.

He spends $2 on buggy repairs (setting axle and repairing doors), and charges $1.50 for bottle of tonic ("Allen's Restorative") at his drug store, and buys ink, hair dressing, and perfume. Obed Lewis Account Books; Pratt, Personal Finances, 152.

Mrs. Lincoln buys two silk collars at Smith's. Pratt, Personal Finances, 157.

Monday, May 21, 1860.+-

Springfield, IL.

Lincoln writes to former Ohio congressman Joshua R. Giddings, who wrote to congratulate Lincoln on becoming the Republican Party's presidential candidate. Giddings predicted that Lincoln would succeed as long as he avoided "corrupting influences." Lincoln replies, "I am not wanting in the purpose, though I may fail in the strength, to maintain my freedom from bad influences. Your letter comes to my aid in this point, most opportunely. May the Almighty grant that the cause of truth, justice, and humanity, shall in no wise suffer at my hands." Joshua R. Giddings to Abraham Lincoln, 19 May 1860, Abraham Lincoln Papers, Library of Congress, Washington, DC; Abraham Lincoln to Joshua R. Giddings, 21 May 1860, CW, 4:51-52.

Tuesday, May 21, 1861.+-

Washington, DC.

At Washington, D. C.'s Navy yard, President Lincoln attends the funeral of Colonel Abram S. Vosburgh, of New York's 71st Regiment. Vosburgh died after a brief illness, and a newspaper reports, "He leaves a wife and two children, both boys, one four years and the other eight months old. . . . [Vosburgh] was exceedingly popular with his regiment." After the services, Lincoln and members of the cabinet ride in a procession to the railroad depot, where Vosburgh's remains will be transported back to his home state. Sun (Baltimore, MD), 22 May 1861, 4:1-2; New York Times, 22 May 1861, 1:1; Evening Star (Washington, DC), 21 May 1861, 3:2; National Republican (Washington, DC), 22 May 1861, 3:1.

Revises instructions of Secretary of State Seward to Charles Francis Adams, minister to England. Revision of William H. Seward to Charles Francis Adams, 21 May 1861, CW, 4:376-80.

[G. S. Humphrey and Co., importers, 524 Broadway, New York, submits bill for $116.50 for carpetings purchased by Mrs. Lincoln. DNA—RG 217, General Accounting Office, 141-263.]

Wednesday, May 21, 1862.+-

Washington, DC.

President at War Dept. by 7 A.M.; Sec. Stanton and Gen. Halleck join him there. Later he visits Gen. Burnside at Willard's Hotel. LL, No. 1281.

Congressional delegation presents petition asking that Gen. C. S. Hamilton be restored to command. Abraham Lincoln to George B. McClellan, 21 May 1862, CW, 5:227.

Lt. Col. Hicks at White House regarding appointment as aide-de-camp to Gen. Wool. Memorandum: Appointment of George Montagu Hicks, 22 May 1862, CW, 5:229.

President communicates with Senate regarding arrests by military commander in Kentucky of persons suspected of secessionist sympathies. Abraham Lincoln to the Senate, 21 May 1862, CW, 5:227.

Informs James Gordon Bennett that secretary of war "mixes no politics whatever with his duties." Abraham Lincoln to James G. Bennett, 21 May 1862, CW, 5:225-26.

Approves act providing for education of colored children in cities of Washington and Georgetown, DC, and for other purposes. Stat. L., XII, 407.

"Library of the Executive Mansion" orders from W. F. Richstein: "1 set Stricklands England $21.00, 1 set Stricklands Scotland $20.00, 1 Mrs. Brownings Poems $9.00, 1 Mrs. Sigourneys Poems $1.25, 1 Mrs. Osgood Poems $0.90." [Agnes Strickland, Lives of the Queens of England . . ., Philadelphia, 1847-1859; Lives of the Queens of Scotland, New York, 1851-59; Elizabeth Barrett Browning, Poems; Mrs. Lydia Howard Sigourney, Illustrated Poems, Philadelphia, 1860; Mrs. Frances Sargent Osgood, Poems, New York, 1846. The third and fourth items paid for by the President, the remaining ones by Commissioner French from annual appropriation. Pratt, Personal Finances, 180.]

John Douglas, clerk, Reformed Presbyterian Church, calls on President and presents document concerning emancipation. Douglas to Lincoln, 14 October 1862, Abraham Lincoln Papers, Library of Congress, Washington, DC.

Library of Congress lends "Sparrowgrass Papers" to White House. [Frederick Swartout Cozzens, The Sparrowgrass Papers; or, Living in the Country, New York, 1856.] Borrowers' Ledger 1861-63, 114, Archives of the Library of Congress, Library of Congress, Washington, DC.

President confirms Gen. McClellan's understanding that in event of junction with Gen. McDowell, McClellan is in command, except that no order can put McDowell out of position to cover Washington. Abraham Lincoln to George B. McClellan, 21 May 1862, CW, 5:226-27.

Calls attention of Sen. James F. Simmons (R.I.) to distressed girl from "your state" who seeks employment. "See if you can not get Mr. Sec. Chase or friend [Isaac] Newton to find her a place." Abraham Lincoln to James F. Simmons, 21 May 1862, CW, 5:228.

Writes Sen. Sumner (Mass.) regarding soldier subject to a lethargy arrested for falling asleep: "I should not knowingly let him be punished, if shown he has the infirmity." Abraham Lincoln to Charles Sumner, 21 May 1862, CW, 5:228.

Thursday, May 21, 1863.+-

Washington, DC.

President withholds permission for Col. James F. Jaquess, 73d Illinois Regiment and Methodist minister, to visit Washington. Abraham Lincoln to William S. Rosecrans, 21 May 1863, CW, 6:225.

Calls upon Sec. Welles with protest that American vessels are annoying neutral shipping off coast of Cuba. Welles, Diary.

Committee with petition on behalf of Gen. C. S. Hamilton, signed by 23 senators and 84 representatives, waits upon President. Official Records—Armies 1, XI, pt. 3, 185.

Saturday, May 21, 1864.+-

Washington, DC.

President decides to lift publication ban on New York newspapers "World" and "Journal of Commerce." Harper, Press, 297.

Recognizes Carl C. Finkler as consul for Duchy of Nassau for California. Evening Star (Washington, DC), 25 May 1864, 2d ed., 1:6.

Act to provide temporary government for territory of Montana having been passed, Lincoln instructs Atty. Gen. Bates and Sec. Seward to brief applications for offices in so far as they relate to their departments. Abraham Lincoln to William H. Seward, 21 May 1864, CW, 7:356-57.

Sends identical letters to Govs. Morton (Ind.), Yates (Ill.), William M. Stone (Iowa), and James T. Lewis (Wis.): "The getting forward of hundred day troops to sustain Gen. Sherman's lengthening lines promises much good. Please put your best efforts into the work." Abraham Lincoln to Oliver P. Morton, 21 May 1864, CW, 7:355-56.

Replies to request of Christiana A. Sack, of Baltimore: "I can not postpone the execution of a convicted spy, on a mere telegraphic despatch signed with a name I never heard before. Gen. Wallace may give you a pass to see him, if he chooses." Abraham Lincoln to Christiana A. Sack, 21 May 1864, CW, 7:356.