Results 20 entries found

Thursday, November 21, 1839.+-

Springfield, IL.

Lincoln wins two cases of Gest & Mills v. Henkle by default; files joinder to defendant's demurrer in Vaughn v. Ransdell, dismisses Goodacre v. Smith at plaintiff's cost, withdraws replication filed Tuesday in Atwood & Jones v. Douglas & Wright. Newsom v. Newton is submitted to three arbitrators.Record.

Monday, November 21, 1842.+-

Springfield, IL.

Circuit Court opens for 11-day term. Eight cases of Logan & Lincoln are called on opening day. One is continued and four dismissed. Sparks v. Bird & Bird is set for hearing Thursday. They file defendant's plea in Lazell v. Francis. Defendant files plea in Herndon v. Cutter. Logan & Lincoln appear for plaintiff. Record.

Tuesday, November 21, 1843.+-

Springfield, IL.

Brother v. Frink, Walker & Co. is argued before jury. Defendant files demurrer to Lincoln's bill in Todd v. Ware. Notice of publication is filed by complainant in Mitchell & Mitchell v. Corneau et al. Permission to sell property is granted complainant in Dabney v. Whitney et al. Logan & Lincoln appear for plaintiff in all four cases.Record.

Lincoln writes and files affidavit of Leroy L. Hill, who swears before John Calhoun, clerk, in Trailor v. Hill.Herndon-Weik Collection, Library of Congress, Washington, DC.

Lincoln's banker pays $5 from Lincoln's account to James Grant, evidently for firewood, and Lincoln buys wood saw and frame for $1.25. He purchases $32.50 worth of merchandise also.Irwin Ledger.

Thursday, November 21, 1844.+-

Springfield, IL.

Lincoln gets judgment by default in Ide v. Yocum. In three chancery cases in which Logan & Lincoln represent petitioners, reports are examined and approved. On Lincoln's motion, defendants in Fortune v. Garvey et al. are ruled to answer by tomorrow. Record.

Lincoln is charged $1.02 for cloth, ribbon, and whalebone. Irwin Ledger and Journal.

Friday, November 21, 1845.+-

Springfield, IL.

People v. Smith is tried. Lincoln wins not guilty verdict on first count, loses on second, and Smith is sentenced to fine of $10 and costs and three days in jail.Record.

Tuesday, November 21, 1848.+-

Springfield, IL.

Lincoln draws on his account for $355 to pay bills.Irwin Ledger.

Wednesday, November 21, 1849.+-

Springfield, IL.

Lincoln writes to editor of Chicago "Journal": "I was absent, from before the commencement, till after the close of the late session of the legislature, and . . . the fact of such a speech having been delivered never came to my knowledge, till I saw a notice of your article, in the Illinois Journal. . . . Had the intention of any whig to deliver such a speech been known to me, I should . . . have endeavored to prevent it." Abraham Lincoln to the Editor of the Chicago Journal, 21 November 1849, CW, 2:68.

Thursday, November 21, 1850.+-

Taylorville, IL.

XML error in Log entry

Friday, November 21, 1851.+-

Springfield, IL.

Sangamon Circuit Court convenes for special session. Lincoln & Herndon file interrogatories for Jacob Bunn, plaintiff in garnishee suit against Snow and Keys. Three other Lincoln & Herndon cases are continued. Record.

Monday, November 21, 1853.+-

Springfield, IL.

Five of Lincoln & Herndon's cases are called as Sangamon Circuit Court begins its fall term. In two replevin suits—Henderson v. Warfield, and Scott v. Cannon—agreed judgments are entered for plaintiffs, their clients. Taft et al. v. Taft et al., chancery case in which they represent complainants, is dismissed by agreement. Pleas are filed in other cases. Record.

Tuesday, November 21, 1854.+-

Springfield, IL.

Twelve of Lincoln & Herndon's cases are called, among them one in which Lincoln is principal. This is foreclosure suit, Irwin & Lincoln v. Sidener. Defendant defaults, and court decrees that Lincoln recover from Sidener $594.80, principal and interest due on note. Equity of redemption in real estate—E½ of Lot 4 in Block One, Old Town Plat—is barred, and property ordered sold. Record.

Wednesday, November 21, 1855.+-

Springfield, IL.

Court overrules Lincoln & Herndon's motion in Moore v. Ware, and gives plaintiff leave to file new appeal bond. Bullard v. Haddix, another appeal in which Lincoln & Herndon represent defendant, is settled by agreement, judgment for $50 being entered against their client. In Whited v. Whitney & Johnson defendants default, and Lincoln & Herndon obtain judgment for $132.99 for their client. Record.

Friday, November 21, 1856.+-

Springfield, IL.

In Anderson trial witnesses are examined with reference to bottle of strychnine found in Theodore Anderson's trunk, and relations between Theodore and Mrs. Anderson. Illinois State Journal, 24 November 1856.

Saturday, November 21, 1857.+-

Beardstown, IL.

Lincoln and Dummer appear for complainant in Sprague v. Illinois River RR et al. Court orders injunction dissolved and bill dismissed. By agreement, decision is to be reviewed at next term of Supreme Court, and injunction is retained until decision is rendered (see February 4, 1858). Lincoln joins defense in People v. Armstrong, moving prisoner be admitted to bail. Motion is argued and denied. Record.

Monday, November 21, 1859.+-

Springfield, IL.

From office of U.S. marshal, Lincoln writes to William Dungy: "I now find the suit is Shaw Buel & Barber against Hill & Hill. The Marshal says the execution has been levied on land, but that there has not, as yet been a sale of it. Once more I tell you, the land can be so sold, as to leave you liable on the other note & you better watch it." Abraham Lincoln to William Dungy, 21 November 1859, CW, 3:494.

Wednesday, November 21, 1860.+-

Springfield, IL and Chicago, IL.

Crowd gathers at station to see Lincoln off. Train stops at Lincoln, Bloomington, and Lexington, and Lincoln makes brief talks. In Chicago his party goes to Tremont House, where Hamlin awaits them. Meeting of future President and Vice-President is "cordial in the highest degree." N.Y. Herald, 22 November 1860; Chicago Journal, 22 November 1860; Remarks at Lincoln, Illinois, 21 November 1860, CW, 4:143; Remarks at Bloomington, Illinois, 21 November 1860, CW, 4:143-44; Remarks at Lexington, Illinois, 21 November 1860, CW, 4:144.

Thursday, November 21, 1861.+-

Washington, DC.

Fifteenth New York Regiment in presence of Lincoln gives exhibition of skill in throwing pontoon bridge across eastern branch of Potomac. N.Y. Times, 22 November 1861.

President writes Gen. McClellan: "If General McClellan and General Halleck deem it necessary to declare and maintain martial law at St. Louis the same is hereby authorized." Abraham Lincoln to George B. McClellan, 21 November 1861, CW, 5:27.

Asks Sec. Smith: "Can you, by any possibility, find some place for Judge Taft? I shall be greatly obliged if you can & will." [Taft's children were playmates of Willie and Tad Lincoln.] Abraham Lincoln to Caleb B. Smith, 21 November 1861, CW, 5:28.

Friday, November 21, 1862.+-

Washington, DC.

President prohibits exportation of arms and ammunition. Order Prohibiting Export of Arms and Munitions, 21 November 1862, CW, 5:503.

Sends to Gov. Shepley (La.) two communications on subject of congressional election, by hand of Dr. Hugh Kennedy, pharmacist [later mayor of New Orleans]. Abraham Lincoln to George F. Shepley, 21 November 1862, CW, 5:504; Abraham Lincoln to George F. Shepley, 21 November 1862, CW, 5:504-5.

Interviews group of unconditional Union Kentuckians on subject of gradual abolition of slavery. Roy P. Basler, "Beef! beef! beef! Lincoln and Judge Robertson," Abraham Lincoln Quarterly 6 (September 1951):405; Remarks to Union Kentuckians, 21 November 1862, CW, 5:503-4.

Saturday, November 21, 1863.+-

Washington, DC.

Lincoln, ill with mild case of smallpox, quips: "Now I have something I can give everybody." Monaghan, Diplomat, 344.

"Old Abe has a well developed case of varioloid. I was with him an hour and a half the other day and we went over many things." Gaillard Hunt, Israel, Elihu, and Cadwallader Washburn: A Chapter in American Biography (New York: Macmillan, 1925), 230.

Converses in evening for more than hour with Cong. Colfax (Ind.) about Postmaster Gen. Blair and presidential candidates. Hay, Letters and Diary.

Monday, November 21, 1864.+-

Washington, DC.

Lincoln writes famous letter to Mrs. Lydia Bixby. [Although original manuscript is generally believed to be lost, an authentic text appeared in Boston "Transcript," November 25, 1864.] Abraham Lincoln to Mrs. Lydia Bixby, 21 November 1864, CW, 8:116-17.

Interviews Cyrus M. Allen of Vincennes, Ind., who speaks for appointment of Joseph G. Bowman, colleague of Lincoln in Illinois Legislature in 1839, as assessor of internal revenue. Abraham Lincoln to William P. Fessenden, 21 November 1864, CW, 8:117.

Lincoln writes to 104-year-old John Phillips, of Sturbridge, Massachusetts. In his lifetime, Phillips voted in many presidential elections, and he recently cast a vote for Lincoln's re-election. Lincoln thanks Phillips "for the compliment paid me by the suffrage of a citizen so venerable." Lincoln notes Phillips's "devotion to civic duties," and adds, "It is not for myself only, but for the country which you have in your sphere served so long and so well, that I thank you." F. W. Emmons to Abraham Lincoln, 9 November 1864, Abraham Lincoln Papers, Library of Congress, Washington, DC; Abraham Lincoln to John Phillips, 21 November 1864, CW, 8:118; Evening Star (Washington, DC), 9 December 1864, 1:6; New York Daily Tribune, 9 December 1864, 4:6; Harper's Weekly, 10 December 1864, 797.

[John Nicolay not seriously ill, expects to be out in few days. Washington Star, 21 November 1864.]

Writes former Cong. Augustus R. Wright (Ga.): "Admitting that your cotton was destroyed by the Federal Army, I do not suppose any-thing could be done for you now. Congress has appropriated no money for that class of claims, and will not, I expect, while the active war lasts." Abraham Lincoln to Augustus R. Wright, 21 November 1864, CW, 8:119-20.