Results 21 entries found

Thursday, June 11, 1812-Friday, June 12, 1812.+-

Thursday, June 11, 1812-Friday, June 12, 1812.

[Thomas Lincoln serves on jury in Joseph Kirkpatrick v. William Cessna in Hardin Circuit Court. Order Book D, 188; Warren, Parentage and Childhood, 339.]

Monday, June 11, 1832.+-

En route to Dixon's Ferry, IL.

With letters and dispatches from Col. James M. Strode, Capt. Iles begins return march to Dixon's Ferry. Camp is made on same spot, near Apple River fort, used on 9th.Elijah Iles, Sketches of Early Life and Times in Kentucky, Missouri, and Illinois (Springfield, IL: Springfield Printing Co., 1883), 49-50; Stevens, Black Hawk War, 286.

Monday, June 11, 1838.+-

Springfield, IL.

George Power gives trust deed to Lincoln for A. G. Herndon for 240 acres situated ten miles northwest of Springfield, to guarantee payment of $525 loaned by Herndon to Power for three months. [Herndon acknowledges receipt in full September 17, 1838.]Deed Book M, 624-25.

Tuesday, June 11, 1839.+-

Springfield, IL.

Lincoln writes to his New Salem friend, J. Rowan Herndon, giving him details of conversation which he and Dr. Felix Regnier had concerning Herndon. [This conversation took place on road between Rushville and Beardstown when Lincoln was returning from participation in Fraim murder trial at Carthage.]Abraham Lincoln to John Rowan Herndon, 11 June 1839, CW, 1:150-51.

[See April 27, 1839.]

Thursday, June 11, 1840.+-

Springfield, IL.

In U.S. Circuit Court Stuart & Lincoln, attorneys for plaintiffs, file declaration in Atwood et al. v. Links. Plaintiffs, Pennsylvania firm, are suing to collect on note for $1,269.25. After hearing evidence, Judges McLean and Pope award plaintiff $1,643.76 damages. Record.

Stuart & Lincoln withdraw $20 cash from their account with a Springfield merchant. Account (copy), 11 June 1840, Irwin & Corneau, 185, microfilm, IHi, Springfield, IL.

Wednesday, June 11, 1845.+-

Petersburg, IL.

In the Menard County Circuit Court, Baker, Matheny, and Harris argue Scott v. Busher, trespass case from Sangamon County. Lincoln and Campbell appear for defendant. Jury finds defendant guilty and assesses plaintiff's damages at $275. Court grants new trial. Lincoln appears for plaintiff in Waggoner v. Lukins. Lincoln and Harris are for defendant in People v. Pond, indicted for harboring slave. Pond is put under $300 bond to appear at next term.Record.

In the Menard County Circuit Court case of People v. Dorman, a jury finds Lincoln's client James O. Dorman not guilty of manslaughter. The case originated in Sangamon County, but the court granted Dorman a change of venue. On February 25, Dorman attempted to break in to Ellen Cox's home. Cox, who was pregnant at the time, exerted "great physical efforts to prevent" Dorman's entry. The break-in attempt distressed Cox, she became ill, and "did languish" until she died on March 2. Indictment, March 1845 Term, People v. Dorman, IHi, Springfield, IL; Order, 26 March 1845, People v. Dorman, Record H 1843-1845, 603, Sangamon County Circuit Court, Illinois State Regional Archives Depository, University of Illinois at Springfield, Springfield, IL; Judge's Docket, June 1845 Term, People v. Dorman, Docket Book 1st; Order, 11 June 1845, People v. Dorman, General Record A, 242, both in Menard County Circuit Court, Menard County Courthouse, Petersburg, IL.

Thursday, June 11, 1846.+-

Petersburg, IL.

Lincoln, with Lamborn and David Logan, acts for State in People v. Denton and Denton, charged with killing Cassius Brown with ax. Logan and Harrison, for defence, enter not guilty plea. "Came a jury, unable to agree were discharged and cause continued."Record.

Sunday, June 11, 1848.+-

En route and Washington, DC.

Travelling all night, Lincoln arrives in Washington in morning. He finds letter from Mrs. Lincoln, who is in Kentucky. She is anxious to return to Washington.Abraham Lincoln to Mary Todd Lincoln, 12 June 1848, CW, 1:477-78.

Monday, June 11, 1849.+-

En route.

According to Herndon, Lincoln's only companion in stage is Kentuckian who offers Lincoln chew, smoke, and drink, all of which he refuses. On taking his departure that afternoon, Kentuckian remarks: "See here, stranger, . . . my experience has taught me that a man who has no vices has d—d few virtues." Herndon & Weik, 244.

Tuesday, June 11, 1850.+-

Springfield, IL.

Lincoln writes to Nathaniel Hay and places an order for a home-improvement project. Lincoln writes, "I wish to build a front fence, on a brick foundation, at my house. I therefore shall be obliged, if you will, as soon as possible, deliver me bricks of suitable quality, and sufficient number to build such foundation, fifty feet long; of proper width, and depth, under ground, and about two feet above ground." Abraham Lincoln to Nathaniel Hay, 11 June 1850, CW, 2:79-80.

Wednesday, June 11, 1851.+-

Ottawa, IL.

Lincoln, for defendants, opposes Stephen A. Douglas and Logan in Dunlap v. Smith & Dunlap in Northern Grand Division of Supreme Court. After decision of Supreme Court December 28, 1850, Judge Davis refused to allow Dunlap's claim to discharge his debt to assignees of State Bank in notes and certificates of bank, and Dunlap appealed. Record.

Monday, June 11, 1855.+-

Springfield, IL.

Summer term of Sangamon Circuit Court opens with Judge Emerson on bench in place of David Davis. Lincoln & Herndon have 20 cases, 11 of which are dismissed or continued. In most others defendants default, and Lincoln & Herndon secure judgments for their clients. Four of these are for Jacob Bunn, Springfield grocer, and one—$190 in amount—is for Herndon himself. Record.

Lincoln writes agreement filed in Correll et al. v. McDaniel et al. He and Herndon are for defendant. Photocopy.

Wednesday, June 11, 1856.+-

Springfield, IL.

Lincoln & Herndon, attorneys for plaintiff, settle case in circuit court when defendant in Currier v. North American Insurance Co. confesses judgment in sum of $1,000 and costs. Second suit is dismissed on motion of plaintiff, whom they represent, and third is continued. Record.

John Hay's affidavit, written by Lincoln on 10th, in McBride v. Hay, is filed. Herndon-Weik Collection, Library of Congress, Washington, DC.

Thursday, June 11, 1857.+-

Springfield, IL.

Lincoln, with McClernand, is court appointed defense attorney in United States v. Andrew J. Sloan, charged with stealing mail. Accused pleads not guilty but is convicted and sentenced to two years in penitentiary. Record.

Friday, June 11, 1858.+-

Springfield, IL.

Lincoln writes Ward Hill Lamon advising against running independent candidate against Lovejoy in his district. "As to the inclination of some Republicans to favor Douglas, that is one of the chances I have to run, and which I intend to run with patience. I write in the court room. Court has opened, and I must close." Abraham Lincoln to Ward H. Lamon, 11 June 1858, CW, 2:458-59.

Argument is concluded in United States v. Reinbach, and jury finds Lincoln's client not guilty. Record.

Saturday, June 11, 1859.+-

Springfield, IL.

In U.S. Circuit Court Lincoln is busy with Cochran & Hall v. Camp et al., in which he represents defendant. He takes deposition of Irwin Camp, defendant, and opens and examines deposition of plaintiff's witnesses. Then he moves for continuance, and files affidavit in support of motion. Files.

He deposits $225 in his bank account. Marine Bank Ledger.

Mrs. Lincoln buys cloth and boys' socks at Smith's. Pratt, Personal Finances, 157.

Monday, June 11, 1860.+-

Springfield, IL.

Lincoln writes to J. Mason Haight, who commented on Lincoln serving water to notification committee: "Having kept house sixteen years, and having never held the 'cup' to the lips of my friends then, my judgment was that I should not, in my new position, change my habit in this respect." He thanks J. E. Tilton, Boston publisher, for book. [John G. Nicolay is now working as Lincoln's secretary.] Abraham Lincoln to J. Mason Haight, 11 June 1860, CW, 4:75; Abraham Lincoln to J. E. Tilton, 11 June 1860, CW, 4:75; Nicolay to Trumbull, Lyman Trumbull Papers, Library of Congress, Washington, DC.

Tuesday, June 11, 1861.+-

Washington, DC.

Lincoln's former pastor, Dr. James A. Smith of Springfield, is visiting at Executive Mansion. Baltimore Sun, 12 June 1861.

Prof. Joseph Henry, secretary of Smithsonian Institution, introduces Thaddeus S. C. Lowe, balloonist, to President. Bruce, Tools of War, 85.

Lincoln visits Navy Yard, receives artillery salute, witnesses gun practice. Baltimore Sun, 13 June 1861; Evening Star (Washington, DC), 12 June 1861, 2:2.

Reviews Michigan, Ohio, and New York regiments at Executive Mansion with Secretary of State William H. Seward. Accepts six additional regiments from Indiana. Evening Star (Washington, DC), 12 June 1861, 3:2, 3; National Republican (Washington, DC), 12 June 1861, 3:1; Abraham Lincoln to Simon Cameron, 11 June 1861, CW, 4:402.

Informs Gen. Meigs that his appointment as quartermaster general will probably be made tomorrow. Extracts from Meigs Diary, John G. Nicolay Papers, Library of Congress, Washington, DC.

Authorizes Commissioner Dole to select superintendent of Indian affairs in Washington Territory. Anson Dart of Wisconsin, former superintendent of Indian affairs in Oregon, is designated. Adverse reports on Dart cause Lincoln to write Dole "that neither you or I could knowingly be for such a man." Abraham Lincoln to William P. Dole, [c. 11] June 1861, CW, 4:403-4.

Wednesday, June 11, 1862.+-

Washington, DC.

President confers with Gen. Burnside who leaves shortly for Fortress Monroe, Va. Burnside to McClellan, 13 June 1862, George B. McClellan Papers, Library of Congress, Washington, DC.

In evening at White House, Lincoln, Sen. Browning (Ill.), Marshal Lamon, and Gen. Wadsworth discuss operation of Fugitive Slave Law in District of Columbia. Browning, Diary.

Thursday, June 11, 1863.+-

Washington, DC.

President congratulates Jesus Jimenez on election to presidency of Republic of Costa Rica. Abraham Lincoln to Jesus Jimenez, 11 June 1863, CW, 6:259-60.

Telegraphs Mrs. Lincoln in Philadelphia: "Your three despatches received. I am very well; and am glad to know that you & 'Tad' are so." Abraham Lincoln to Mary Todd Lincoln, 11 June 1863, CW, 6:260.

Confers with Gen. Halleck on movement of troops under Gen. Hooker. U.S. Congress, Joint Committee on the Conduct of the War, Report of the Joint Committee on the Conduct of the War, 3 vols., 38th Cong., 2d sess. (Washington, DC: Government Printing Office, 1865), I, 255.

Saturday, June 11, 1864.+-

Washington, DC.

Lincoln addresses 130th Ohio Volunteers, 100-day troops recently arrived in Washington. Remarks to One Hundred Thirtieth Ohio Regiment, 11 June 1864, CW, 7:388-89.

Confers with Atty. Gen. Bates, who protests confiscation Orders Nos. 30 and 33 of Gen. Wallace at Baltimore. Bates, Diary.

Approves act providing for execution of treaties between U.S. and foreign nations regarding consular jurisdiction over crews of foreign vessels in U.S. waters and ports. Stat. L., XIII, 121.

Turns over to secretary of treasury for reinvestment salary warrants for February 1864 and March 1864, with balance of $89 from purchase of notes on January 12, 1864, and all his government securities, total amount $54,515.07. Pratt, Personal Finances, 128, 183.