Results 22 entries found

Tuesday, July 10, 1832.+-

En route to Rock River.

Lacking provisions, volunteer troops are dispersed. Brigades of Alexander and Henry are sent to Fort Winnebago, now Portage, Wis., for supplies. Posey's brigade is sent to southern Wisconsin mineral district to remain until further orders, and Capt. Early's company is mustered out. Lincoln writes Early's mustering-out roll. Discharge papers sent by Capt. Early July 26, 1832 to Lincoln and other members of his company state that company is honorably discharged "with the special thanks of Brig. Gen. H. Atkinson, Commander in Chief of the Army of the Illinois Frontier . . . at Headquarters on White Water of Rock River."Photocopy; Atkinson Letter Book, Atkinson Order Book, Black Hawk War Collection, Abraham Lincoln Presidential Library and Museum, Springfield, IL.

Early's company begins march to Dixon's Ferry. Stevens (211) says that Early's men accompany Col. John Ewing's regiment on march, but that regiment left army before 10th.Return of Illinois Mounted Volunteers, Black Hawk War Collection, Abraham Lincoln Presidential Library and Museum, Springfield, IL; IHi—Eddy MSS, Affidavit of Tarlton Dunn, 2 August 1833; Sangamo Journal, 19 July 1832.

It was probably detachment under Adj. Isaac Parmenter that Early's company escorted back to Dixon's Ferry.Muster Rolls, Black Hawk War Collection, Abraham Lincoln Presidential Library and Museum, Springfield, IL.

Night previous to starting home, Lincoln's horse and that of George M. Harrison are stolen.Harrison to W. H. Herndon, no date, William H. Herndon Papers, Henry E. Huntington Library, San Marino, CA.

U.S. Infantry encamps near mouth of White Water.Johnston Journal, Black Hawk War Collection, Abraham Lincoln Presidential Library and Museum, Springfield, IL.

Wednesday, July 10, 1833.+-

New Salem, IL.

Lincoln appears before Robert Conover, justice of peace, and swears he was present as witness to conditional deed given by William Green, Jr. to Reuben S. Radford January 15, 1833.Record.

Monday, July 10, 1837.+-

Vandalia, IL.

Lincoln does not attend opening session of House which organizes with James Semple as speaker, and on motion of Hardin of Morgan, decides to meet at 8 A.M. Joint rules of last session are adopted. Editors of "Vandalia State Register" and "Free Press" are permitted to come within bar to report proceedings.House Journal.]

Tuesday, July 10, 1838.+-

Springfield, IL.

Clark v. Lake, trespass, is tried by jury. Unable to agree, jury is discharged. Logan represents plaintiff and Stuart, Lincoln, and Baker defendant. Defendant files answer in Garrett v. Levering. Grass v. Ware is continued. Stuart & Lincoln appear for plaintiff in both cases.Record.

Wednesday, July 10, 1839.+-

Springfield, IL.

Stuart & Lincoln appear for plaintiff in four circuit court cases. In Jacob Forsyth & Co. v. May & Truett, and Stewardson & Shoemaker v. Douglas, debt, defendant files plea. On their motion, sheriff is allowed to amend his return in Hunter v. Enos et al., chancery. They lose Williams v. Cabiness & Cabiness when jury finds for the defendant.Record.

Saturday, July 10, 1841.+-

Springfield, IL.

Lincoln appears (SC) for appellee in Maus v. Worthing for use of McCann, appeal from Tazewell County. He moves to dismiss appeal on insufficiency of appeal bond filed in case, and files his reasons.Record.

He draws up mortgage for John White, to secure payment of four notes of $250 each due John Constant.Photocopy.

Monday, July 10, 1843.+-

Springfield, IL.

Lincoln, Iankiewicz, and Purple continue their investigation of state house accounts until Friday. Logan & Lincoln, as attorneys for Seth M. Tinsley, take deposition of Thomas P. Pettus at office of Thomas Moffett, for use in Bryan & Bryan v. Wash et al.Photocopy.

Thursday, July 10, 1845.+-

Springfield, IL.

Lincoln draws warrant from auditor's office for $59.18, quarterly salary of Aaron Shaw, state's attorney of Fourth Judicial District. On margin of Warrant Register, clerk writes: "Handed to Capt. Lincoln July 10, 1845."Warrant Register, Auditor's Office.

Saturday, July 10, 1847.+-

En route.

Reaching Peoria at 2 A.M., Lincoln boards stage at 4 A.M., arriving Springfield that evening. ISLA—Files.

Monday, July 10, 1848.+-

Washington, DC.

Lincoln attends House.Globe.

He also answers Herndon's letter. He thinks Herndon mistaken about old men. "I was young once, and I am sure I was never ungenerously thrust back. . . . The way for a young man to rise, is to improve himself every way he can, never suspecting that any body wishes to hinder him." He sends to Stephen A. Hurlbut, northern Illinois Whig, form letter introducing campaign paper, "The Battery," asking for subscribers, and adding personal note.Abraham Lincoln to William H. Herndon, 10 July 1848, CW, 1:497-98; Abraham Lincoln to Stephen A. Hurlbut, 10 July 1848, CW, 1:498.

Wednesday, July 10, 1850.+-

Chicago, IL.

Lincoln informally accepts invitation to deliver eulogy on President Taylor. Trial of Hoyt case continues in Federal Court. Chicago Journal, 10 July 1850.

Thursday, July 10, 1851.+-

Springfield, IL.

"U.S. Circuit Court—Nearly one hundred causes were continued on Thursday. This has disposed of the principal business on the docket. All of the important patent cases were continued." Register, 12 July 1851.

Lincoln is engaged in these patent cases, similar to Hoyt case tried in Chicago in July 1850.

Saturday, July 10, 1852.+-

Springfield, IL.

Lincoln buys three kinds of cloth and pair of slippers for his wife at John Williams & Co. Pratt, Personal Finances, 145.

Monday, July 10, 1854.+-

Springfield, IL.

Cassius M. Clay, Kentucky Abolitionist, makes antislavery speech. When officials refuse to permit meeting in state house, Clay speaks outdoors. For two hours Lincoln lies on ground whittling as Clay denounces slavery. William H. Townsend, Lincoln and His Wife's Home Town (Indianapolis, IN: Bobbs-Merrill, 1929), 251-54.

Tuesday, July 10, 1855.+-

Chicago, IL.

Lincoln writes Charles Hoyt of Aurora: "The U.S. Court is in session here now; and we have succeeded, by agreement with Edwards, in getting your case, and the three Rock-Island cases, dismissed, with leave to the plaintiff to reinstate them by the next term, if he desires." Abraham Lincoln to Charles Hoyt, 10 July 1855, CW, 2:314.

Another of Lincoln's cases, Taylor v. Humphries, before U.S. Circuit Court at Springfield in Jan., is sent back to Southern District. Record.

Thursday, July 10, 1856.+-

Springfield, IL.

Lincoln replies to letter from James Berdan in which plan to unite Fremont and Fillmore vote against Buchanan is outlined. "A union of our strength, to be effected in some way, is indispensable to our carrying the State against Buchanan." After suggesting alternative plan, Lincoln promises to confer with party friends in Chicago when he goes there on 15th. Abraham Lincoln to James Berdan, 10 July 1856, CW, 2:347-48.

Saturday, July 10, 1858.+-

Chicago, IL.

In the evening, Lincoln delivers a speech from the Tremont House to an audience that is, "in point of numbers, about three-fourths as large as that of the previous evening, when Douglas held forth; and in point of enthusiasm, about four times as great." Lincoln responds to charges made by Stephen A. Douglas, his opponent in the U. S. Senate race, regarding Lincoln's stance on several issues, including slavery. Lincoln declares, "I have always hated slavery, I think as much as any Abolitionist...I have always hated it, but I have always been quiet about it until this new era of the introduction of the Nebraska Bill began. I always believed that everybody was against it, and that it was in course of ultimate extinction...and that such was the belief of the framers of the constitution itself." Lincoln refers to the recent Fourth of July celebration, and he asks the audience, "I should like to know if taking this old Declaration of Independence, which declares that all men are equal upon principle and making exceptions to it where will it stop. If one man says it does not mean a negro, why not another say it does not mean some other man?" Chicago Daily Press and Tribune (IL), 12 July 1858, 1:2-6; Speech at Chicago, Illinois, 10 July 1858, CW, 2:484-502.

Tuesday, July 10, 1860.+-

Springfield, IL.

Lincoln writes R. W. Thompson of Terre Haute, who apparently has asked for permission to make use of Lincoln's record: "If my record would hurt any, there is no hope that it will be over-looked; so that if friends can help any with it, they may as well do so. Of course, due caution and circumspection, will be used." Abraham Lincoln to Richard W. Thompson, 10 July 1860, CW, 4:82-83.

Wednesday, July 10, 1861.+-

Washington, DC.

President Lincoln writes a memo to Simon B. Buckner, whom Kentucky Governor Beriah Magoffin sent to meet with Lincoln regarding the "condition of public sentiment" in Kentucky. Lincoln writes, "It is my duty . . . to suppress an insurrection existing within the United States. I wish to do this with the least possible disturbance, or annoyance to well disposed people anywhere. So far I have not sent an armed force into Kentucky . . . I sincerely desire that no necessity for it may be presented; but I mean to say nothing which shall hereafter embarrass me in the performance of . . . my duty." Beriah Magoffin to Abraham Lincoln, 25 June 1861, Abraham Lincoln Papers, Library of Congress, Washington, DC; Abraham Lincoln to Simon B. Buckner, 10 July 1861, CW, 4:444.

[Mrs. Lincoln visits camp of Rhode Island Regiment in afternoon. N.Y. Times, 11 July 1861.

Statement of John Alexander, (see July 6, 1861) indicates probability of review at White House on this date. DNA—RG 217, General Accounting Office, 142-505.]

Thursday, July 10, 1862.+-

En route and Washington, DC.

President, accompanied by Colonels Blair and James Nagle and Assistant Secretary of War Peter H. Watson, arrives at Navy Yard in afternoon aboard U.S.S. Ariel from three-day trip to Army of Potomac. Evening Star (Washington, DC), 11 July 1862, 2d ed., 2:2; Nicolay to Bates, 13 July 1862, John G. Nicolay Papers, Library of Congress, Washington, DC.

Ariel runs aground on Kettle Shoals and is delayed several hours during which time President and party go for swim in Potomac. Boston Transcript, 11 July 1862.

Lincoln confers with Governor Andrew Curtin (Pa.) on appointment of commissioner of internal revenue. Nicolay to Chase, 9 July 1862, Salmon P. Chase Papers, Library of Congress, Washington, DC.

Friday, July 10, 1863.+-

Washington, DC.

At Soldiers' Home, President interviews A. C. Dickson, Orloff A. Zane, and John Absterdam regarding Absterdam shell. Bruce, Tools of War, 259.

Assures Gen. Sickles that no III Corps disaster has been reported. Abraham Lincoln to Daniel E. Sickles, 10 July 1863, CW, 6:322-23.

Sunday, July 10, 1864.+-

Washington, DC.

In morning, President visits forts around Washington. Evening Star (Washington, DC), 11 July 1864, 3d ed., Extra, 2:6.

At 9:20 A.M. Lincoln telegraphs reply to Baltimore committee: "I have not a single soldier but whom is being disposed by the Military for the best protection of all. By latest account the enemy is moving on Washington. They can not fly to either place. Let us be vigilant but keep cool. I hope neither Baltimore or Washington will be sacked." Abraham Lincoln to Thomas Swann and Others, 10 July 1864, CW, 7:437-38.

At 2 P.M. Lincoln telegraphs Gen. Grant on present emergency: "Gen. Halleck says we have absolutely no force here fit to go to the field. He thinks . . . we can defend Washington, and scarcely Baltimore. . . . there are about eight thousand not very reliable, under [Gen. Albion P.] Howe at Harper's Ferry, with Hunter approaching that point . . . Wallace with some odds and ends, . . . can attempt no more than to defend Baltimore. . . . Now what I think is that you should provide to retain your hold where you are certainly, and bring the rest with you personally, and make a vigorous effort to destroy the enemie's force in this vicinity." Abraham Lincoln to Ulysses S. Grant, 10 July 1864, CW, 7:437.

At 10 P.M. President and family leave Soldiers' Home and return to White House, on recommendation of Secretary of War Edwin M. Stanton who believes them in danger. Randall, Lincoln, 4:199.