Results 18 entries found

Monday, December 1, 1834.+-

Vandalia, IL.

Lincoln takes seat as one of 55 House members. He votes for Charles Dunn for speaker, but James Semple is elected. David Prickett is unanimously elected clerk, and Ebenezer A. Ryan, for whom Lincoln votes, is elected engrossing and enrolling clerk.House Journal. [Supreme Court convenes and remains in session until 13 February 1835.]

Tuesday, December 1, 1840.+-

Springfield, IL.

Amendment proposed by Woodson of Greene to dismiss Board of Public Works and turn its affairs over to Fund Commissioners is referred to Internal Improvements Committee by vote of 46-40, Lincoln voting with majority. House Journal.

Wednesday, December 1, 1841.+-

Springfield, IL.

Shields and Conkling represent plaintiff and Logan & Lincoln defendants in Kane v. May & Eastham. Court orders plaintiff to have judgment for damages listed in declaration.Record.

Thursday, December 1, 1842.+-

Springfield, IL.

Logan & Lincoln have ten cases continued, and two are dismissed on their motion. He writes report of commissioners in Crow & Crow v. Crow et al.Herndon-Weik Collection, Library of Congress, Washington, DC.

Friday, December 1, 1843.+-

Springfield, IL.

Logan & Lincoln file declaration in Vance v. Kilgore et al. in U.S. Circuit Court. Plaintiff, Joseph Vance, declares defendants are indebted to John W. Vance on two notes for $150 each and about $150 interest. Record.

Lincoln writes more papers in Todd v. Ware and signs his father-in-law's name. Herndon-Weik Collection, Library of Congress, Washington, DC.

Sunday, December 1, 1844.+-

Springfield, IL.

Robert Irwin & Co. pays $5 into Lincoln's account, evidently legal fee.Irwin Ledger.

Monday, December 1, 1845.+-

Springfield, IL.

Alton and Springfield Railroad convention assembles in U.S. District Court. Judge Treat is elected president. Lincoln is present with 12 other Sangamon delegates. Morgan County has four delegates, headed by Hardin and Lamborn, and five have come from Madison County.Alton Telegraph, 20 December 1845.

Saturday, December 1, 1849.+-

Springfield, IL.

[Register prints Lincoln's letter of November 21, 1849 to Chicago "Journal." It comments editorially: "This letter . . . does not touch the principal point at issue . . . viz: that Messrs. Ewing and Butterfield are popular with their own party in this state. The reverse of this assumption is too notoriously true . . . [but] having been, and doubtless being, an applicant for the favors of the cabinet, he [Lincoln] could not prudently say less than he has."]

Thursday, December 1, 1853.+-

Springfield, IL.

In Vail et al. v. Pratt, Lincoln & Herndon, for defendant, are allowed appeal to Supreme Court. In Johnson et ux. v. Aldridge et ux., trespass and assault and battery, jury finds for plaintiffs, their clients, and awards them $97.50 damages. On their motion, petition to enforce mechanics lien, Pilcher v. Cole et al., is taken for confessed. Record.

Friday, December 1, 1854.+-

Springfield, IL.

Lincoln & Herndon file amended petition in Evans et al. v. Staley et al. in Sangamon Circuit Court. Photocopy.

Lincoln writes to Illinois State Senator Joseph Gillespie, of Edwardsville, regarding the upcoming congressional election. At the time, state legislatures elected U.S. senators. Lincoln explains, "I have really got it into my head to try to be United States Senator . . . I do not ask you to yield to me, if you are thinking of becoming a candidate yourself. If, however, you are not, then I should like to be remembered affectionately by you; and also, to have you make a mark for me." Abraham Lincoln to Joseph Gillespie, 1 December 1854, CW, 2:290.

Saturday, December 1, 1855.+-

Springfield, IL.

XML error in Log entry

Monday, December 1, 1856.+-

Springfield, IL.

Lincoln sits on bench in place of David Davis. Forty-five cases come before him. None is contested, however, and his work is limited to entering decrees and orders. Record; Photocopy.

Thursday, December 1, 1859.+-

St. Joseph, MO and Elwood, Kansas Territory.

Mark W. Delahay and D. W. Wilder meet Lincoln at Hannibal Railroad station in St. Joseph, cross river to Elwood, where Lincoln speaks in Great Western Hotel dining room. He spends night in Elwood. Speech at Elwood, Kansas, 1 December [30? November] 1859, CW, 3:495-97; Kansas Hist. Coll., VII, 537n.

[Mrs. Lincoln buys groceries, including 12 pounds sugar and five pounds coffee, at Smith's store. Pratt, Personal Finances, 160.]

Saturday, December 1, 1860.+-

Springfield, IL.

Hawkins Taylor of Iowa tells Lincoln that he and party are in debt to Cameron for success in Pennsylvania. Taylor to Cameron, 12 January 1861, Simon Cameron Papers, Library of Congress, Washington, DC.

Sunday, December 1, 1861.+-

Washington, DC.

Sen. Sumner (Mass.) consults again with President on "Trent" affair. Pierce, Sumner Memoir and Letters, 4:52.

Lincoln explains his ideas of compensated emancipation in talk with Sen. Browning (Ill.). Browning, Diary.

Completes work on first Annual Message to Congress. N.Y. Times, 2 December 1861.

Sends memorandum on movement of Army of Potomac to Gen. McClellan. Memorandum to George B. McClellan on Potomac Campaign, [c. 1 December 1861], CW, 5:34-35.

Monday, December 1, 1862.+-

Washington, DC.

Joint congressional committee announces to President that Congress is ready to receive communications. Senate Journal, 6.

President communicates Second Annual Message to Congress: Foreign relations are more satisfactory than might be expected. Treaty with Great Britain for suppression of slave trade is in operation with prospect of success. Negro colonies from U.S. may soon migrate to Liberia and Haiti. Commercial relations with leading nations are undisturbed. System of banking associations will circulate notes of uniform appearance and security. Treasury receipts amounted to $583 million, expenditures to $570 million. Public lands are no longer source of revenue. System for Indian affairs may need remodeling. Progress has been made on construction of Pacific railroad. Department of Agriculture has been organized. President recommends that Congress propose three amendments to Constitution: 1. Every State that abolishes slavery before January 1, 1900, shall receive compensation from the U.S. 2. All slaves who shall have enjoyed actual freedom by chances of war shall be forever free. 3. Congress may appropriate money, and otherwise provide for colonizing free colored persons with their own consent, at any place or places outside U.S. Annual Message to Congress, 1 December 1862, CW, 5:518-37.

President writes Judge Adv. Gen. Joseph Holt: "Three hundred Indians have been sentenced to death in Minnesota by a Military Commission, and execution only awaits my action. I wish your legal opinion whether if I should conclude to execute only a part of them, I must myself designate which." Abraham Lincoln to Joseph Holt, 1 December 1862, CW, 5:537-38.

Tuesday, December 1, 1863.+-

Washington, DC.

"President is steadily recovering from his indisposition, and it is not doubted that he will, in a day or two, be equal to the active resumption of his arduous duties." Evening Star (Washington, DC), 1 December 1863, 2d ed., 2:4.

Recognizes J. B. Gossler as vice consul of Austria at Boston. Washington Chronicle, 5 December 1863.

Thursday, December 1, 1864.+-

Washington, DC.

President telegraphs James Speed: "I appoint you to be Attorney General. Please come on at once." Abraham Lincoln to James Speed, 1 December 1864, CW, 8:126-27.

Resignation of Atty. Gen. Bates effective today. On taking leave, President promises to write to him. Bates, Diary.

Two ladies from Tennessee visit President again and ask release of husbands from Johnson's Island prison. Story Written for Noah Brooks, [6 December 1864], CW, 8:154-55.