Results 27 entries found

Saturday, November 3, 1860.+-

Springfield, IL.

Lincoln instructs his secretary: "I wish Mr. Nicolay would invite the following gentlemen to tea at my house, at 5 P.M. tomorrow. Mr. Schenck Mr. Piatt Mr. Cartter Mr. Ogden Mr. Philips Mr. Hatch Mr. Dubois Mr. Nicolay—himself. Saturday, Nov. 3. Lincoln." Abraham Lincoln to John G. Nicolay, 3 November [1860], CW, 4:136.

Sunday, November 4, 1860.+-

Springfield, IL.

Lincoln and guests have tea at Lincoln home. Abraham Lincoln to John G. Nicolay, 3 November [1860], CW, 4:136.

Monday, November 5, 1860.+-

Springfield, IL.

XML error in Log entry

Tuesday, November 6, 1860.+-

Springfield, IL.

Election day. Lincoln spends most of it at his state house office. About 3 P.M. he walks quietly to polling place in courthouse. Crowd gives him ovation. After cutting his own name from ballot, he votes straight ticket. Evening he spends in telegraph office, getting returns. Shortly after midnight he and Mrs. Lincoln attend supper, and soon go home. N.Y. Tribune, 7 November 1860, 8 November 1860.

Wednesday, November 7, 1860.+-

Springfield, IL.

The day after the presidential election, Lincoln remains at Springfield's "telegraph office" until 4:45 a.m. By early afternoon, it appears that Lincoln has secured enough votes "to put the general result beyond all doubt." In the evening, Lincoln proceeds to the capitol's House chambers where he announces "the news of a Republican victory." Lincoln remarks, "We expected it would be so, and so it is as it is pretty generally these times." New York Daily Tribune, 8 November 1860, 8:2.

Thursday, November 8, 1860.+-

Springfield, IL.

Lincoln is still receiving felicitations. Local Republicans however, are somewhat concerned over legislature, returns being so incomplete as to leave Trumbull's re-election in doubt. N.Y. Tribune, 9 November 1860.

Lincoln writes Hamlin that he is anxious for personal interview, and asks him to meet him in Chicago. Abraham Lincoln to Hannibal Hamlin, 8 November 1860, CW, 4:136.

Friday, November 9, 1860.+-

Springfield, IL.

Late returns forecast Trumbull's re-election. But trouble is brewing south. Lincoln reads dispatch that he has been hanged in effigy at Pensacola, Florida. Correspondent reports: "I am told that Mr. Lincoln considers the feeling at the South to be limited to a very small number, though very intense." N.Y. Tribune, 10 November 1860.

Lincoln thanks John Comstock of Peoria for barrel of flour manufactured during Republican procession at Peoria August 31, 1860. He asks Nathan Sargent whom "Judge Campbell" favors for secretary of state, and thanks Gen. Winfield Scott for sending copy of his views on crisis. Abraham Lincoln to John Comstock, 9 November 1860, CW, 4:137; Abraham Lincoln to Nathan Sargent, 9 November 1860, CW, 4:137.

Saturday, November 10, 1860.+-

Springfield, IL.

Lincoln writes to Truman Smith, of Connecticut. Smith urged Lincoln to "speak out" against a group that called Lincoln "the undisguised enemy of the peace and safety of the Union." While he understands Smith's concern, Lincoln explains, "I could say nothing which I have not already said, and which is . . . open for the inspection of all. To press a repetition of this upon those who have listened, is useless; to press it upon those who have refused to listen . . . would be wanting in self-respect." Truman Smith to Abraham Lincoln, 7 November 1860, Abraham Lincoln Papers, Library of Congress, Washington, DC; Abraham Lincoln to Truman Smith, 10 November 1860, CW, 4:138-39.

He buys tonic and "Hair Balsam" at his drug store. Pratt, Personal Finances, 153.

Monday, November 12, 1860.+-

Springfield, IL.

Reporter writes: "The news from the South produces no perceptible effect here, and fails to induce the least change in Mr. Lincoln's determination to withhold all intimations as to his policy. . . . The hunters for office have not yet assembled here in great force, but a brisk business is done with letters." N.Y. Tribune, 13 November 1860.

Tuesday, November 13, 1860.+-

Springfield, IL.

Another reporter finds Lincoln studying nullification and Jackson's 1832 proclamation. He "is not a bit alarmed by the aspect of affairs." Illinois State Journal, 24 November 1860.

"Rest fully assured," Lincoln writes Haycraft, "that the good people of the South who will put themselves in the same temper and mood towards me which you do, will find no cause to complain of me." Abraham Lincoln to Samuel Haycraft, 13 November 1860, CW, 4:139.

Wednesday, November 14, 1860.+-

Springfield, IL.

Politicians begin their assault on Lincoln in person. Their activities give rise to newspaper speculation on cabinet selections. Lincoln remarks that "if the responsibility rested with them, as it does with him, they would be much less speedy with their selections and announcements." N.Y. Tribune, 15 November 1860.

Thursday, November 15, 1860.+-

Springfield, IL.

Lincoln's secretary, John G. Nicolay, recalls a conversation between Lincoln and "two gentlemen" regarding the South's possible break from the Union. Nicolay notes that Lincoln's "impression is . . . that this government possesses both the authority and the power to maintain its own integrity." According to Nicolay, Lincoln adds, "'That however is not the ugly point of this matter. The ugly point is the necessity of keeping the government together by force, as ours should be a government of fraternity.'" Michael Burlingame, ed., With Lincoln in the White House: Letters, Memoranda, and Other Writings of John G. Nicolay, 1860-1865 (Carbondale: Southern Illinois University Press, 2000), 10.

Friday, November 16, 1860.+-

Springfield, IL.

Kentucky visitor urges Lincoln to make up his cabinet of "conservative" men, including one or more from South. Lincoln tells his visitor "that the substance of his plan was that the Republicans should now again surrender the Government into the hands of the men they had just conquered, and that the cause should take to its bosom the enemy who had always fought it." ISLA—Nicolay Memo.

He writes to Nathanial P. Paschall, editor of "Missouri Republican," explaining his reasons for silence. "I am not at liberty to shift my ground. . . . If I thought a repetition would do any good I would make it. But my judgment is it would do positive harm. The secessionists, per se believing they had alarmed me, would clamor all the louder." Abraham Lincoln to Nathaniel P. Paschall, 16 November 1860, CW, 4:139-40.

Saturday, November 17, 1860.+-

Springfield, IL.

Gustave Koerner has interview with Lincoln, who says he "has no idea of taking a position towards the South which might be considered a sort of apology for his election." T. J. McCormack, ed., Memoirs of Gustave Koerner, 1809-1896, 2 vols. (Cedar Rapids, IA: The Torch Press, 1909), 2:105.

On Ruckel mortgage, made September 28, 1857, Lincoln credits $50 payment, third year's interest. Photocopy.

Sunday, November 18, 1860.+-

Springfield, IL.

"The exciting news from the South does not appear to disturb Mr. Lincoln's equanimity. Without underrating its bearing, he still adheres to the opinion that actual secession will not be attempted. He avoids discussing this delicate question in the presence of visitors, but when referring to it his words are said to indicate a firm and settled opinion against the right to secede." N.Y. Herald, 22 November 1860.

Monday, November 19, 1860.+-

Springfield, IL.

Lincoln writes three acknowledgments of congratulations, including one to his old friend Speed: "I shall be at Chicago Thursday the 22nd. Inst. and one or two succeeding days. Could you not meet me there? Mary thinks of going with me; and therefore I suggest that Mrs. S. accompany you." Abraham Lincoln to Joshua F. Speed, 19 November 1860, CW, 4:141; Abraham Lincoln to Henry Asbury, 19 November 1860, CW, 4:140; Abraham Lincoln to Park Benjamin, 19 November 1860, CW, 4:140-41.

Donn Piatt and R. C. Schenck of Ohio arrive in Springfield, take tea with Lincoln at home, and sit far into night discussing situation. Illinois State Journal, 20 November 1860; Donn Piatt, Memories of Men Who Saved the Union (New York: Bedford, Clarke, 1887), 29-34.

Tuesday, November 20, 1860.+-

Springfield, IL.

Republicans hold "ratification" meeting at which Trumbull delivers principal address. Lincoln writes part of his speech. Keynote of his contribution is that "each and all of the States will be left in as complete control of their own affairs . . . as they have ever been under any administration." Wide-Awake parade stops at Lincoln's house en route to Wigwam for Trumbull's speech, calls for Lincoln, who addresses them briefly in similar vein. Illinois State Journal, 21 November 1860; Passage Written for Lyman Trumbull's Speech at Springfield, Illinois, 20 November 1860, CW, 4:141-42; Remarks at Springfield, Illinois, 20 November 1860, CW, 4:142-43.

Wednesday, November 21, 1860.+-

Springfield, IL and Chicago, IL.

Crowd gathers at station to see Lincoln off. Train stops at Lincoln, Bloomington, and Lexington, and Lincoln makes brief talks. In Chicago his party goes to Tremont House, where Hamlin awaits them. Meeting of future President and Vice-President is "cordial in the highest degree." N.Y. Herald, 22 November 1860; Chicago Journal, 22 November 1860; Remarks at Lincoln, Illinois, 21 November 1860, CW, 4:143; Remarks at Bloomington, Illinois, 21 November 1860, CW, 4:143-44; Remarks at Lexington, Illinois, 21 November 1860, CW, 4:144.

Thursday, November 22, 1860.+-

Chicago, IL.

Lincoln and his wife, Mary, are in Chicago, where Lincoln meets with Vice President-elect Hannibal Hamlin. The Lincolns, Hamlin, and others tour the "Wigwam," a structure built to house the 1860 Republican national convention. A newspaper reports, "Lincoln and . . . Hamlin . . . avoided all stiffness or formality, and entered into a social conversation . . . An unusual number of political vultures are in the city . . . They seemed determined to rush upon Mr. Lincoln, and occupy his time from more important duties . . . Men are here with pockets full of cabinets and any quantity of highly important advice." New York Herald, 23 November 1860, 4:6.

Friday, November 23, 1860.+-

Chicago, IL.

Public reception takes up morning. "Until noon, a steady stream of visitors poured in at the Lake street entrance of the Tremont House." Lincoln, Mrs. Lincoln, and Hamlin shake hands with all who pass. After reception Lincoln declines to receive visitors. At 5 he dines with Trumbull and Hamlin. Chicago Tribune, 24 November 1860; N.Y. Herald, 24 November 1860.

Saturday, November 24, 1860.+-

Chicago, IL.

Lincoln gives his autograph to George D. Rumsey, son of Mayor Julian S. Rumsey of Chicago. Photocopy.

Lincoln and Hamlin seclude themselves at Lake View, home of Ebenezer Peck, and discuss cabinet business. William E. Baringer, A House Dividing: Lincoln as President Elect (Springfield, IL: Abraham Lincoln Association, 1945), 84.

Sunday, November 25, 1860.+-

Chicago, IL.

"Mr. Lincoln attended St. James Church . . . with Hon. Isaac N. Arnold, and in the afternoon, by invitation, was present at the Mission Sabbath School and made a short address to the children." Chicago Journal, 26 November 1860.

Lincoln sits for Samuel Alschuler, formerly of Urbana, who photographed Lincoln in 1858. Abraham Lincoln to Henry C. Whitney, 26 November 1860, CW, 4:145.

Monday, November 26, 1860.+-

Chicago, IL and Springfield, IL.

Before leaving Tremont House, Lincoln pens note to his old friend Henry Whitney, formerly of Urbana, replying to Whitney's note on behalf of Alschuler, photographer. Abraham Lincoln to Henry C. Whitney, 26 November 1860, CW, 4:145.

Mr. and Mrs. Lincoln leave Chicago at 9 A.M. and reach Springfield at 6:30. Lincoln's return "is the delight of the reporters and a number of office-seekers, who have been lying in wait for him since [Nov. 24]. The President and party traveled in separate cars. No ovations were received on the way on account of the rainy weather." Chicago Journal, 26 November 1860; N.Y. Tribune, 27 November 1860.

Tuesday, November 27, 1860.+-

Springfield, IL.

Lincoln spends most of day reading several hundred accumulated letters. N.Y. Tribune, 28 November 1860.

To Hamlin he writes: "I deem it proper to advise you that I also find letters here from very strong and unexpected quarters in Pennsylvania, urging the appointment of General Cameron to a place in the cabinet." He writes autograph for Fred R. Jackson of Stillwater, N.Y. Abraham Lincoln to Hannibal Hamlin, 27 November 1860, CW, 4:145.

Wednesday, November 28, 1860.+-

Springfield, IL.

Lincoln answers demand of H. J. Raymond of N.Y. "Times" for policy statement: "On the 20th. Inst. Senator Trumbull made a short speech which I suppose you have both seen and approved. Has a single newspaper, heretofore against us, urged that speech [upon its readers] with a purpose to quiet public anxiety? Not one, so far as I know." Abraham Lincoln to Henry J. Raymond, 28 November 1860, CW, 4:145-46.

Thursday, November 29, 1860.+-

Springfield, IL.

"Quite a number of country people were in town, and paid their respects to the President-elect. Mr. Lincoln, like the rest of Anglo-American mankind, feasted on a roast turkey, and having special cause to thank his Maker, attended Divine service." He has long interview with George Fogg of Republican National Committee. N.Y. Tribune, 1 December 1860.

Friday, November 30, 1860.+-

Springfield, IL.

Lincoln has many visitors, among them Hugh White of New York, with whom he served in Congress, and "several Kentuckians of standing," who are favorably impressed with his "conversational powers." N.Y. Tribune, 1 December 1860; N.Y. Herald, 6 December 1860.

Lincoln writes Alexander H. Stephens requesting copy of speech Stephens has made in Georgia legislature. For John H. Littlefield, law student at his office, Lincoln writes: "I will pay five dollars to whomever will loan that sum to the bearer, Mr. Littlefield." Abraham Lincoln to Alexander H. Stephens, 30 November 1860, CW, 4:146; Note for John H. Littlefield, 30 November 1860, CW, 4:146.