Results 24 entries found

Tuesday, March 24, 1835.+-

New Salem, IL.

Lincoln, deputy surveyor, surveys N.W. ¼ of N.E. ¼ of Section 33 in Township 18 North of Range 6 west of Third Principal Meridian for Archibald Kincaid. His corner posts are Spanish Oak and three white oak trees. Forty-acre tract is located about 3 miles northwest of Athens.Photocopy.

Thursday, March 24, 1836.+-

Springfield, IL.

Lincoln's name is entered on record of Sangamon Circuit Court as person of good moral character, first of three steps in obtaining law license. He buys from Thomas Edwards, farmer living near New Salem, his first Springfield property, two lots on north side of Jefferson Street between Sixth and Seventh. Lots are Nos. 6 and 8 in Old Town Plat.Record; Deed Book J, 515; ISLA—Bulletin, Nos. 16 and 17.

Tuesday, March 24, 1840.+-

Jacksonville, IL.

Lincoln writes petition in Barrett v. Warren, signing for Barrett and also for E. D. Baker, Barrett's attorney. He writes order waiving procedure in case, and to include in trial cases of Barrett v. Miller and Barrett v. Rew.Herndon-Weik Collection, Library of Congress, Washington, DC.

Wednesday, March 24, 1841.+-

Springfield, IL.

In People v. Johnson & Johnson, damage suit for obstructing water course, jury brings in verdict of not guilty. Logan & Lincoln appear for defendant. Lincoln appears for defendant in Duncan v. Parsons. Case is tried, and lower court judgment affirmed for $3.64.Record.

Thursday, March 24, 1842.+-

Springfield, IL.

In letter to Speed March 27, 1842, Lincoln says: "Yours of the 10th. Inst. was received three or four days since."Abraham Lincoln to Joshua F. Speed, 27 March 1842, CW, 1:282-83.

Friday, March 24, 1843.+-

Springfield, IL.

Logan & Lincoln win two divorce suits, and Brown v. Broadwell in which they appear for defendant. Frink, Walker & Co. v. DeCamp is argued before jury; plaintiff takes nonsuit. Hill v. Thatcher et al. is dismissed; Miller v. A. Freeman & Co. is argued and jury retires. They obtain leave to amend plea in Urquhart v. Gray. They represent plaintiffs in last three cases, defendants in others.Record.

Lincoln writes to Speed on business and politics.Abraham Lincoln to Joshua F. Speed, 24 March 1843, CW, 1:319.

Monday, March 24, 1845.+-

Springfield, IL.

Divorce is granted Catherine Hampton from Samuel C. Hampton. Plaintiff in People v. Shepherd et al. is given leave to amend declaration. This case and Wood v. Jones are continued. Logan & Lincoln appear for plaintiff in first two cases and Lincoln alone for plaintiff in latter.Record.

Tuesday, March 24, 1846.+-

Springfield, IL.

Wood v. Dormady, assumpsit, is tried before jury. Jury awards $1,000 to plaintiff, client of Logan, Lincoln & Herndon. Decree of foreclosure is granted in Cooper v. Crosby and Robbins. Lincoln & Herndon appear for complainant. He writes decree of court.Record; Photocopy.

Lincoln writes and swears affidavit of William M. Brown in Brown et al. v. Humphreys et al.Herndon-Weik Collection, Library of Congress, Washington, DC.

Wednesday, March 24, 1847.+-

Springfield, IL.

In Wallace v. Billings, jury is waived and case is tried by court, Lincoln for appellant and Campbell for appellee. Court takes it under advisement. Lincoln is attorney for John Calhoun in six cases brought against him by Warner and Gros. All are continued. Record.

Friday, March 24, 1848.+-

Washington, DC.

James McDowell, former Governor of Virginia, member of House, has suggested to Lincoln that David Lincoln of Virginia may be related. Lincoln writes to him asking for information on family. He writes another letter concerning his family to Solomon Lincoln, who has written again.Abraham Lincoln to David Lincoln, 24 March 1848, CW, 1:459; Abraham Lincoln to Solomon Lincoln, 24 March 1848, CW, 1:459-60.

Monday, March 24, 1851.+-

Springfield, IL.

Enyart v. McAtee, chancery case continued from April 1, 1850, is tried without jury in Circuit Court. Lincoln, Herndon & Ferguson represent complainant. Court takes case under advisement. People v. McHenry, recognizance to keep peace, is dismissed. In Watson & Moffett v. Gardner et al., Logan, Lincoln & Herndon, for complainants, argue defendants' motion to overrule their deposition. Record.

Lincoln and Herndon acquire land as settlement of judgment won March 20, 1850 against John B. Moffett. Executive File.

Wednesday, March 24, 1852.+-

Springfield, IL.

Defendants' demurrer in Gilman et al. v. Hamilton et al. is sustained and Smith and Lincoln, representing complainants, are given leave to amend their bill. In Porter v. Hoffman et al. complainant, their client, is awarded dower of $10 a year. In People v. Clark et al. jury is waived and court finds their client indebted to plaintiff $30,000 with $2,918.47 damages. Record.

In Margaret M. Porter v. Andrew Porter, Lincoln & Herndon file amended bill. Photocopy.

Thursday, March 24, 1853.+-

Springfield, IL.

Eight Lincoln & Herndon cases come up in Circuit Court. Four are appeals from justice courts. Of these plaintiffs, their opponents, dismiss one, they win one and lose two. Lincoln and Taylor dismiss assumpsit suit. Pleas are filed or motions entered in remaining cases. Record.

Lincoln buys 25¢ worth of oilcloth. Pratt, Personal Finances, 146.

Friday, March 24, 1854.+-

Springfield, IL.

Lincoln & Herndon's court work consists mainly of formalities, filing pleas, making motions, etc. Only one of their six cases comes to trial, Williams v. Springfield Marine & Fire Insurance Co. Lincoln & Herndon represent plaintiff, Logan defendant. Jury fails to agree, and case is continued. Record.

Saturday, March 24, 1855.+-

Springfield, IL.

Lincoln has busy, though not very successful, day in court. In slander suit jury finds against his client, while court hands down adverse decisions in two cases. Three cases are dismissed for want of bond for costs, and in two others judgments against his clients, for $90.85 and $468.61, are entered. He succeeds in having motion to dismiss case overruled, and wins one case tried by court. Record.

Monday, March 24, 1856.+-

Springfield, IL.

Lincoln & Herndon have two divorce cases. In Enos v. Enos they file answer and cross bill for Phoebe Enos, defendant. In Ray v. Ray they obtain decree for petitioner, Elzena Ray, on ground of desertion. Record.

Lincoln also writes opinion concerning validity of land titles in Beloit, Wis. Opinion on Land Titles in Beloit, Wisconsin, 24 March 1856, CW, 2:336-39.

Tuesday, March 24, 1857.+-

Springfield, IL.

Lincoln enters himself as security for plaintiff's costs in Saltonstall v. Edes et ux. in U.S. Circuit Court. Original owned by James A. Jones, Springfield, Ill.

Wednesday, March 24, 1858.+-

Lincoln, IL.

Lincoln writes on politics to O. M. Hatch, secretary of state, Springfield, suggesting state Republican convention. Photocopy.

Thursday, March 24, 1859.+-

Lincoln, IL.

Lincoln is attorney for Abraham Nash, alias Yankee Sullivan, charged with assault with intent to kill. By agreement bail is increased to $1,000, and change of venue to Sangamon County granted. Record.

He writes and files pleas for defendants in Lacey v. Beverly et al., and in Closson v. McFarland. In first case he acts with Parks, in second with Estabrook. Photocopy.

[Mrs. Lincoln buys more yard goods ($2.75) at Smith's. Pratt, Personal Finances, 155.]

Saturday, March 24, 1860.+-

Chicago, IL.

Lincoln responds to a letter from former Republican Congressman Samuel Galloway, of Columbus, Ohio. Galloway expressed his admiration and concluded that Lincoln represented the Republican Party's best chance to win the presidency. Lincoln writes, "My name is new in the field; and I suppose I am not the first choice of a very great many. Our policy, then, is to give no offence to others—leave them in a mood to come to us, if they shall be compelled to give up their first love. This, too, is dealing justly with all, and leaving us in a mood to support heartily whoever shall be nominated." Samuel Galloway to Abraham Lincoln, 15 March 1860, Abraham Lincoln Papers, Library of Congress, Washington, DC; Abraham Lincoln to Samuel Galloway, 24 March 1860, CW, 4:33-34.

Monday, March 24, 1862.+-

Washington, DC.

Cong. Colfax (Ind.) informs President that Horace Greeley will support gradual, compensated emancipation. Willard H. Smith, Schuyler Colfax: The Changing Fortunes of a Political Idol (Indianapolis: Indiana Historical Collections, 1952), 167.

[Irwin deposits $87.50 in Springfield Marine Bank, rent received from L. A. Tilton. Pratt, Personal Finances, 165.]

President Lincoln writes to New York Tribune editor Horace Greeley regarding Lincoln's recent call to Congress for a resolution to encourage the "abolishment of slavery." Lincoln proposes that the government "compensate for the inconveniences public and private, produced by such change of system." He writes, "I am a little uneasy about the abolishment of slavery in this District, not but I would be glad to see it abolished, but as to the time and manner of doing it. . . . I would like the bill to have the three main features—gradual—compensation—and vote of the people." Message to Congress, 6 March 1862, CW, 5:144-146; Horace Greeley to Abraham Lincoln, 24 March 1862, Abraham Lincoln Papers, Library of Congress, Washington, DC; Abraham Lincoln to Horace Greeley, 24 March 1862, CW, 5:169.

[Tad Lincoln has recovered enough to "play about," and Mary Lincoln continues her slow recovery from the loss of Willie Lincoln. National Republican, 24 March 1862, 3:1.]

Tuesday, March 24, 1863.+-

Washington, DC.

Lincoln directs Sec. Stanton : "Let [Col.] James H. Ledlie [3d New York Artillery] . . . be made a Brigadier General, if it is legally possible." Abraham Lincoln to Edwin M. Stanton, 24 March 1863, CW, 6:147.

Inquires of secretary of war: "Can not this sum of 250,000 be paid at once?" Amount requested by governor of Kentucky to aid in raising new troops. Abraham Lincoln to Edwin M. Stanton, 24 March 1863, CW, 6:147.

Thursday, March 24, 1864.+-

Washington, DC.

President summons Sen. Doolittle (Wis.) to White House for conference. Abraham Lincoln to James R. Doolittle, 24 March 1864, CW, 7:265.

Sends to Senate report regarding establishment of monarchical governments in Central and South America. Abraham Lincoln to the Senate, 24 March 1864, CW, 7:265-66.

Interviews former Gov. Newell (N.J.) on military problems. Newell to Lincoln, 24 March 1864, Abraham Lincoln Papers, Library of Congress, Washington, DC.

Confers with John Hay; reviews report on political situation in Florida. Hay, Letters and Diary.

Spends evening with Gen. Grant at White House. Chicago Tribune, 25 March 1864; Ulysses S. Grant, Personal Memoirs, 2 vols. (London: Low, Marston, Searle & Rivington, 1886), 2:121-22.

Friday, March 24, 1865.+-

En route on Steamboat River Queen.

President unwell on trip down Potomac; thought to be result of poor drinking water. Fresh supply taken on at Fortress Monroe, Va. about noon. Anchors off City Point, Va. at 9 P.M. Barnes, "With Lincoln," 520-21; Abraham Lincoln to William L. James, 24 March 1865, CW, 8:373; Abraham Lincoln to Edwin M. Stanton, 25 March 1865, CW, 8:373-74; Daily National Republican (Washington, DC), 27 March 1865, 2d ed., Extra, 2:3.

Capt. Penrose telegraphs Sec. Stanton: "The President desires me to say he has just arrived at this point safely, and both he and family are well, having entirely recovered from their indisposition of this morning." Official Records—Armies 1, XLVI, pt. 3, 97.