Results 19 entries found

Wednesday, March 23, 1836.+-

Springfield, IL.

Lincoln is a witness for William G. Green in the slander case Green v. Purkapile before the Sangamon County Circuit Court. The court grants the defendant's request for a change of venue to Tazewell County.Record C, 169, 170.

Tuesday, March 23, 1841.+-

Springfield, IL.

Sangamon County Circuit Court opens two-week term. In Throckmorton & Everett v. Francis et al., Stuart & Lincoln obtain $674 debt and damages for plaintiff. Lincoln dismisses at plaintiff's cost James Bell & Co. v. Mitchell. Webb v. Parrin is dismissed at defendant's cost. Logan & Lincoln for plaintiff appear for first time together.Record.

Lincoln annotates papers in VanBergen v. Ball & Long (collecting on promissory note of March 16, 1833 for $26).Herndon-Weik Collection, Library of Congress, Washington, DC.

Thursday, March 23, 1843.+-

Springfield, IL.

Judgment for $1,056.39 is awarded plaintiff in Speed v. Boice. Logan & Lincoln appear for plaintiff and Baker and Bledsoe for defendant. On Lincoln's motion, plaintiff is ruled to file declaration by Monday morning in Davis v. Hanson.Record.

Lincoln writes bond for costs in Mallory v. Maxey et al.Herndon-Weik Collection, Library of Congress, Washington, DC.

Saturday, March 23, 1844.+-

Springfield, IL.

Court orders complainant's exceptions sustained in Vaughn, Sandford & Co. v. Wetherbee et al. Logan & Lincoln win appeal case, chancery, and assumpsit suit. They enter demurrer and defendants are given leave to amend plea in Latham v. West and Lamb. They appear for plaintiff in Jayne v. Reed, in which defendant files plea.Record.

Monday, March 23, 1846.+-

Springfield, IL.

Lincoln & Herndon file defendant's demurrer in Newton, administrator v. Grubb and Ford. On their motion, leave is given defendant in Betts v. Frazier to take deposition of N. B. Spotswood. Two cases are continued.Record.

Lincoln, for plaintiff, writes answer in Betts v. Frazier, signing "Logan, Lincoln, & Herndon." He writes report of Johnson Whaley, guardian, in Whaley v. heirs of McElyea, petition to sell real estate, which Whaley signs.Herndon-Weik Collection, Library of Congress, Washington, DC; Photocopy.

Tuesday, March 23, 1847.+-

Springfield, IL.

Lincoln defends John Smith on charge of forgery. Jury finds his client not guilty. Record.

Thursday, March 23, 1848.+-

Washington, DC.

House passes bill allowing $138, balance of pay and mileage due J. W. Hornbeck, late member of House, to his widow. Lincoln twice votes against motions to grant additional allowances for funeral expenses. Both are rejected.Journal.

House begins consideration of Senate amendments to deficiency appropriation bill.Globe.

Saturday, March 23, 1850.+-

Springfield, IL.

In Circuit Court Lincoln & Herndon win divorce for complainant, Robert S. Plunkett, in Plunkett v. Plunkett. Lincoln writes court decree. In People v. McHenry and Graves, a case of criminal adultery and fornication, Henry McHenry, their client, posts $200 bond for appearance. On behalf of defendant, they move to dismiss Glynn v. McMurry et al.Record; Herndon-Weik Collection, Library of Congress, Washington, DC.

Tuesday, March 23, 1852.+-

Springfield, IL.

Lincoln & Herndon win partition suit, Elliott v. Archer et al., by default. In Johnson v. McMullen, trespass, jury finds defendant guilty and their client is awarded damages of $6. Four more of their cases come before court but none comes to trial. Record.

Wednesday, March 23, 1853.+-

Springfield, IL.

Thirteen Lincoln & Herndon cases come before Circuit Court. Two appeals are tried by court, which finds for plaintiffs, their clients, in sums of $11.60 and $82.45 respectively. They dismiss four cases, file motions or pleas in five others, and two are continued. Record.

Thursday, March 23, 1854.+-

Springfield, IL.

Lincoln & Herndon have five cases in Sangamon Circuit Court; three come to trial. In Alsop v. Harrison, jury returns verdict of $228.50. In Crafton v. Doran, court affirms verdict of justice of peace in amount of $47. In both cases Lincoln & Herndon represent defendants. In third case court also finds against Lincoln & Herndon's client. Record.

Friday, March 23, 1855.+-

Springfield, IL.

Lincoln's court work consists of entering motions and filing pleas in seven cases. Record.

He joins with Edwards and Stuart in letter to O. H. Browning in regard to Logan's candidacy for Supreme Court. When vacancy became imminent, they say, there seemed to be a universal opinion that Logan was man to fill it. "We shall be glad," they add, "if you will hoist Logan's name, in your Quincy papers." Abraham Lincoln, B. S. Edwards, and John T. Stuart to Orville H. Browning, 23 March 1855, CW, 2:309-10.

Wednesday, March 23, 1859.+-

Lincoln, IL.

Lincoln writes and files pleas in Critz v. Deskins, in which he and Parks act for defendant. He writes affidavit of William Oliver filed in Mershon v. Oliver & Milner. Photocopy.

Friday, March 23, 1860.+-

Chicago, IL.

One of Lincoln's famous cases—Johnston v. Jones & Marsh—comes to trial in U.S. Court. Title to important accretions of land north of Chicago River is involved. This is third trial of case, and first time Lincoln has appeared as counsel. With him, for defense, are Fuller, Higgins, and Van Arman; Morris, Arnold, and Wills represent plaintiff. Chicago Journal, 26 March 1860; ISLA—Papers, 1932, 41n.

Saturday, March 23, 1861.+-

Washington, DC.

President receives no visitors today. N.Y. Herald, 24 March 1861.

Cabinet meets in long session; presumably discusses affairs of state. Baltimore Sun, 25 March 1861.

Sunday, March 23, 1862.+-

Washington, DC.

President confers with Carl Schurz, minister to Spain, accepts resignation, and nominates him brigadier general. Carl Schurz, The Reminiscences of Carl Schurz, 3 vols. (New York: McClure, 1907-8), 2:330-31.

Monday, March 23, 1863.+-

Washington, DC.

Lincoln endorses letter of Alexander Williamson: "Submitted to the Sec. of Treasury. Mr. Williamson, writer of the within was our 'Willie's' teacher; and I would be really glad for him to be obliged." Abraham Lincoln to Salmon P. Chase, 23 March 1863, CW, 6:144-45.

Lincoln writes to the recently-elected Governor of New York, Horatio Seymour. Lincoln seeks Seymour's support for the war effort, and explains, "In the performance of my duty, the co-operation of your State . . . is needed—in fact, is indispensable. This alone is a sufficient reason why I should wish to be at a good understanding with you." On numerous occasions, Seymour, a Democrat, spoke out against the Lincoln administration's war policies, chief among them the Emancipation Proclamation. Lincoln writes, "As to maintaining the nation's life, and integrity, I assume, and believe, there can not be a difference of purpose between you and me. If we should differ as to the means, it is important that such difference should be as small as possible." Abraham Lincoln to Horatio Seymour, 23 March 1863, CW, 6:145-46; Alexander J. Wall, A Sketch of the Life of Horatio Seymour 1810-1886 (Lancaster, PA: Lancaster Press, 1929), 23-25.

Wednesday, March 23, 1864.+-

Washington, DC.

Sens. Wade (Ohio) and Chandler (Mich.) again call on Lincoln demanding removal of Gen. Meade. Thomas Harry Williams, Lincoln and the Radicals (Madison: University of Wisconsin Press, 1941), 340.

Lincoln sends note to Gen. Schenck (resigned) as explanation of embarrassing incident at reception last evening. Abraham Lincoln to Robert C. Schenck, 23 March 1864, CW, 7:262.

Answers request of Gen. Schurz for permission to join political campaign: "Nor could I be justified to detail any officer to the political campaign during its continuance, and then return him to the Army." Abraham Lincoln to Carl Schurz, 23 March 1864, CW, 7:262-63.

Thursday, March 23, 1865.+-

En route on Steamboat River Queen.

President telegraphs Gen. Grant at City Point, Va.: "We start to you at One P.M. to-day. May lie over during the dark hours of the night. Very small party of us." In addition to Mrs. Lincoln and her maid, there are Tad, W. H. Crook, and Capt. Charles B. Penrose, detailed by Sec. Stanton to accompany President. Abraham Lincoln to Ulysses S. Grant, 23 March 1865, CW, 8:372-73.

President leaves Washington on steamer River Queen from Arsenal dock, 6th Street wharf, at 1 P.M. for City Point. Browning, Diary; Evening Star (Washington, DC), 23 March 1865, 2d ed., 2:4; Daily National Republican (Washington, DC), 23 March 1865, 2d ed., Extra, 2:4; LL, No. 1385; Barnes, "With Lincoln," 520-21; Official Records—Armies 1, XLVI, pt. 3, 86-87.

[Irwin draws draft on Springfield Marine Bank for $4.23 to pay taxes on Council Bluffs land. Pratt, Personal Finances, 178.]