Results 20 entries found

Saturday, February 20, 1830.+-

Spencer County, IN.

[Thomas and Sarah Lincoln convey 80-acre farm for $125 to Charles Grigsby.Spencer County Deed Book, B, 63.

Thomas also owned 20 acres in southeast corner of Sec. 31, adjoining farm on west. Date of purchase and sale of tract are not known. Only record of Lincoln's ownership is in deed made March 11, 1834, by James Gentry to Joseph Gentry.LL, No. 413.]

Monday, February 20, 1837.+-

Vandalia, IL.

Lincoln votes nay on tabling bill to amend act for construction of Illinois and Michigan Canal, approved January 9, 1836. [Bill is taken up on February 21, 1837, and passed 78 to 2.]House Journal.

Tuesday, February 20, 1838.+-

Springfield, IL.

Lincoln fills out a partially printed summons form in Klein v. Webb, which William Butler, the Sangamon County circuit court clerk, signs.Herndon-Weik Collection, Library of Congress, Washington, DC.

Stuart & Lincoln file a bill of complaint for Charles Hunter, the complainant in Hunter v. Enos et al.Record.

Wednesday, February 20, 1839.+-

Vandalia, IL.

Lincoln writes and reports from Committee on Counties supplemental bill to act establishing Menard, Logan, and Dane counties. It is ordered engrossed for third reading. He votes yea with rest of Sangamon delegation on bill appropriating $20,000 for improvement of Big Muddy River, which passes 52 to 21. House Journal; Photocopy.

Thursday, February 20, 1840.+-

Springfield, IL.

Lincoln writes declaration in Spear v. Camp.Herndon-Weik Collection, Library of Congress, Washington, DC.

Saturday, February 20, 1841.+-

Springfield, IL.

Apportionment bill passes House 46-37, Lincoln voting aye. He is put on committee to report on payment of interest on state debt, disposition of internal improvements, and canal.House Journal.

Monday, February 20, 1843.+-

Springfield, IL.

Lincoln writes affidavit of Thomas Rudder in Rudder v. Rudder, who swears it before John Calhoun, clerk of Sangamon Circuit Court.Herndon-Weik Collection, Library of Congress, Washington, DC.

[Gen. William F. Thornton gives party at Globe Tavern, Lincoln's residence, for legislators and friends, moving reporter to write: "There was a sound of revelry by night, and Springfield's capital had gathered then, Her beauty and her chivalry, and bright—The lamps shone oe'r fair women and brave men—" Peoria Democratic Press, 1 March 1843.]

Tuesday, February 20, 1844.+-

Springfield, IL.

Lincoln buys $100 bond of city of Springfield to finance payment of state house subscription.Bond Record Book.

Saturday, February 20, 1847.+-

Springfield, IL.

Supreme Court denies defendants' motion of 18th in Garrett et ux. v. Stevenson & Wardwell. Record.

Sunday, February 20, 1848.+-

Washington, DC.

Lincoln writes letter to Usher F. Linder, candidate for Illinois General Assembly: "You should simply go for Genl. Taylor; because by this, you can take some democrats, and lose no whigs; but if you go also for Mr. Polk on the origin and mode of prossecuting the war, you will still take some democrats, but you will lose more whigs, so that in the sum of the opperation you will be loser."Abraham Lincoln to Usher F. Linder, 20 February 1848, CW, 1:453.

Tuesday, February 20, 1849.+-

Washington, DC.

Lincoln answers Welles' letter. He explains that he forgot letter and money until he was on boat below St. Louis. He asked Yeatman, who was returning to St. Louis, to deliver them. Yeatman remembers receiving them, but fears pickpocket got them. Lincoln writes to Joshua F. Speed that he believes he could get Land Office appointment for himself, but doubts if he can for anyone else. Abraham Lincoln to Charles R. Welles, 20 February 1849, CW, 2:29-30; Abraham Lincoln to Joshua F. Speed, 20 February 1849, CW, 2:28-29.

Wednesday, February 20, 1850.+-

Springfield, IL.

Lincoln, Richard Yates, W. Pickering, and others sign address to secretary of war recommending Capt. Napoleon Koscialowski, Polish revolutionary and Mexican War soldier, as major of proposed regiment. Lincoln also writes personal recommendation for Koscialowski to present to secretary. Abraham Lincoln to George W. Crawford, [20 February 1850], CW, 2:74-75; Abraham Lincoln to George W. Crawford, 20 February 1850, CW, 2:76.

Lincoln buys $1.50 in merchandise. Irwin Ledger.

Thursday, February 20, 1851.+-

Springfield, IL.

Lincoln writes to D. A. Smith of Jacksonville, attorney for defendant in Atwood v. Caldwell et al., pending in Supreme Court. "I learn that Caldwell has execu[ted his] bond and qualified under the decree. I am now anxio[us to] know whether the arrangement has been made to your sat[isfac]tion; and I do not like to ask Caldwell. Will you write [me] by return mail?" Abraham Lincoln to David A. Smith, 20 February 1851, CW, 2:100.

Tuesday, February 20, 1855.+-

Springfield, IL.

Ritta Angelica da Silva gives Lincoln her promissory note for $125, payable in four years with interest at 10 per cent (see June 9, 1860). To secure note she gives mortgage on Lot 5 in Block Six, Welles and Peck's Addition to Springfield. Record.

Friday, February 20, 1857.+-

Springfield, IL.

Lincoln writes Rosette: "Your note about the little paragraph in the Republican was received yesterday, since which time I have been too unwell to notice it." (Apparently "Republican" had commented on Mrs. Lincoln's rejection of paper.) Lincoln explains circumstances, adding that while he had not favored new paper, he intended to subscribe. Abraham Lincoln to John E. Rosette, 20 February 1857, CW, 2:389-90.

Wednesday, February 20, 1861.+-

New York, NY.

Accompanied by Thurlow Weed, N. B. Judd, James W. Webb, editor, "Morning Courier and New York Enquirer," and Gov. William Sprague (R.I.), Lincoln leaves Astor House at 8:30 A.M. to breakfast with selected group of merchants at home of former Cong. Moses H. Grinnell (N.Y.), New York merchant. N.Y. World, 21 February 1861; N.Y. Times, 21 February 1861; N.Y. Herald, 21 February 1861.

Returns to hotel at 10:30 A.M. and meets Joshua Dewey, aged 94, who has voted at every presidential election since George Washington's. N.Y. Times, 21 February 1861.

Committee from common council headed by Alderman Cornell escorts Lincoln to City Hall at 11 A.M. to meet Mayor Fernando Wood and council. Replying to Wood's speech, Lincoln says: "There is nothing that can ever bring me willingly to consent to the destruction of this Union, under which . . . the whole country has acquired its greatness, unless it were to be that thing for which the Union itself was made." N.Y. Times, 21 February 1861; Reply to Mayor Fernando Wood at New York City, 20 February 1861, CW, 4:232-33.

Remains for public reception; "motley crowd poured in"; shakes hands with 30 veterans of War of 1812; makes brief remarks from balcony of City Hall; and returns to hotel shortly after 1 P.M. N.Y. Times, 21 February 1861; Cleveland Plain Dealer, 20 February 1861; N.Y. Herald, 21 February 1861.

In afternoon receives number of friends privately. N.Y. Times, 21 February 1861.

Showman P. T. Barnum invites him to museum, but he does not go; Mrs. Lincoln and children accept. Meets former Gov. Hamilton Fish (N.Y.). Receives hats from both Knox and Leary, New York hatters; when asked their relative value, comments, "They mutually surpassed each other." N.Y. World, 21 February 1861.

Vice President-elect Hamlin arrives in New York and dines with Lincoln family in its hotel rooms. Baltimore Sun, 22 February 1861.

Lincoln, Judge Davis, and Alderman Cornell arrive late at Academy of Music for performance of Verdi's new opera "Un Ballo in Maschera." N.Y. World, 21 February 1861; N.Y. Times, 21 February 1861.

Lincoln wears black gloves and shocks city's é lite. Monaghan, Diplomat, 31.

After first act takes two bows in response to applause. Audience and cast sing "The Star Spangled Banner." Lincoln returns to hotel after second act. N.Y. World, 21 February 1861.

Hamlin speaks from window of ladies' parlor. Presidential party serenaded by German quartette from Hoboken and by National Guard band. N.Y. Times, 21 February 1861.

[Irwin withdraws $7 from Springfield Marine Bank. Pratt, Personal Finances, 176.]

Mrs. Lincoln holds reception at Astor House 8:30 to 10 P.M. N.Y. Times, 21 February 1861.

Thursday, February 20, 1862.+-

Washington, DC.

Willie Lincoln dies at 5 P.M. President sends carriage for Senator and Mrs. Orville H. Browning (Ill.). They spend night at White House. Browning, Diary; National Republican (Washington, DC), 21 February 1862, 2:1.

President stops in secretary's office and says: "Well, Nicolay, my boy is gone—he is actually gone," and bursting into tears turns and goes into his own office. Notebook, February 1862, John G. Nicolay Papers, Library of Congress, Washington, DC.

Mrs. Lincoln is inconsolable. Elizabeth Keckley, Behind the Scenes: Thirty Years a Slave, and Four Years in the White House (1868: reprint, Buffalo, NY: Stansil and Lee, 1931), 101.

Friday, February 20, 1863.+-

Washington, DC.

President in long morning conversation with chiefs of Chippewa Indians. Washington Chronicle, 21 February 1863.

Borrows for White House, "Richter Werke, vol. 14 to 17 incl." [Johann Paul Freidrich Richter, Jean Paul's Sammtliche Werke, Berlin, 1826-28.] Borrowers' Ledger 1861-63, 348, Archives of the Library of Congress, Library of Congress, Washington, DC.

Saturday, February 20, 1864.+-

Washington, DC.

President attends Mrs. Lincoln's regular Saturday afternoon reception. Marine band plays for small crowd. Evening Star (Washington, DC), 20 February 1864, 2d ed., 2:5; Daily National Republican (Washington,DC), 20 February 1864, 2d ed., 2:4; Fox, Diary, Gist-Blair Family Papers, Library of Congress, Washington, DC.

Promises to see J. F. Bailey, who is expected in Washington by first of next week. Abraham Lincoln to Salmon P. Chase, 20 February 1864, CW, 7:195.

Monday, February 20, 1865.+-

Washington, DC.

President suspends White House public receptions "for the present." Washington Chronicle, 19 February 1865.

Notifies James Gordon Bennett of decision to nominate him as minister to France. Abraham Lincoln to James G. Bennett, 20 February 1865, CW, 8:307-8.

Writes Gov. Thomas C. Fletcher (Mo.): "It seems that there is now no organized military force of the enemy in Missouri and yet that destruction of property and life is rampant every where. . . . Each leaving all others alone solves the problem. . . . Please consider whether it may not be well to suggest this to the now afflicted people of Missouri." Abraham Lincoln to Thomas C. Fletcher, 20 February 1865, CW, 8:308.