Saturday, November 12, 1864.Washington, DC.
President interviews Col. Julius C. Kretchmar, 103d New York
Volunteers, and sends him to Gen. Marsena R. Patrick, provost marshal
general, Army of Potomac.
Abraham Lincoln to Marsena R. Patrick, 12 November 1864, CW, 8:105-6.
Receives former Cong. Bingham (Ohio) regarding pass for Mrs. E. M.
Bradley of Kentucky.
Endorsement, [c. 12 November 1864], CW, 8:104.
Notifies Gen. John A. Logan that leave for him to visit Washington
was granted some days ago, subject to countermand by Gen. Sherman.
Abraham Lincoln to John A. Logan, 12 November 1864, CW, 8:105. |