Tuesday, July 8, 1862.Fortress Monroe, VA and Harrison's Landing, VA.
President docks at Fortress Munroe early in morning and interviews
Gen. Burnside on board. Later Gen. Dix and staff call on Lincoln.
N.Y. Tribune, 10 July 1862.
At 7:30 A.M. President telegraphs John Nicolay to borrow and send
Robert Lincoln $280.
Abraham Lincoln to John G. Nicolay, 8 July 1862, CW, 5:309.
Proceeds up James River and arrives Harrison's Landing at 6 P.M. as
cannon from Flag Officer Goldsborough's flagship fire salute. Reviews
army by corps and division until 9 P.M. Receives cheers of soldiers
as he rides by waving his stovepipe hat.
Boston Advertiser, 12 July 1862.
Gen. McClellan goes aboard U.S.S. "Ariel" and presents his letter of
July 7, 1862, the "Harrison Bar Letter," to Lincoln who reads it at
once. Lincoln makes no comment on contents, which are McClellan's
personal views on current political and military conditions.
McClellan, War for Union, 487; Randall, Lincoln, 2:100. |