Thursday, September 20, 1860.Springfield, IL. | Lincoln writes Nathaniel
Grigsby, whose brother Aaron had married Lincoln's sister in Indiana. "There is
now a Republican electoral ticket in Missouri, so that you can vote for me if
your neighbors will let you. I would advise you not to get into any trouble
about it." He tells Gov. Morgan of New York, Republican national chairman, that
Illinois is indeed in danger of losing legislature. Judd can tell him what
national committee can do to help. Currently, however, Indiana is biggest
problem because of their Oct. election. "Bend all your energies upon Indiana
now." He acknowledges letter from his old friend Nathan Sargent. Abraham
Lincoln to Nathaniel Grigsby, 20 September 1860,
CW, 4:116;
Lincoln to Edwin D. Morgan, 20 September 1860,
CW, 4:116-17;
Lincoln to Nathan Sargent, 20 September 1860,
CW, 4:117. |