Saturday, April 7, 1860.Springfield, IL.
Elated by Republican victory in recent city election, Lincoln writes
Trumbull optimistic letter. He declines invitation of John M. Carson
to lecture before Harrison Literary Institute of Chicago. "What time
I can spare from my own business this season I shall be compelled to
give to politics." He tells F. C. Herbruger that he cannot lecture at
Harrison Literary Institute of Philadelphia. "I am not a professional
lecturer." He writes Harvey G. Eastman of Poughkeepsie, N.Y. that he
is unable to send photograph, but Eastman can "easily get one at New
York. While I was there I was taken to one of the places where they
get up such things."
Abraham Lincoln to Lyman Trumbull, 7 April 1860, CW, 4:40-41; Abraham Lincoln to John M. Carson, 7 April 1860, CW, 4:39; Abraham Lincoln to F. C. Herbruger, 7 April 1860, CW, 4:40; Abraham Lincoln to Harvey G. Eastman, 7 April 1860, CW, 4:39-40. |