Saturday, July 31, 1858.Springfield, IL.
Lincoln writes Douglas accepting latter's terms for debates. He also
writes to Henry Asbury, anticipating Douglas's stand during the
campaign: Douglas cares nothing for South, but will attempt to hold
Illinois by every means. If pressed on power of territorial
legislature to exclude slavery, he will answer that slavery cannot
exist without "protective territorial legislation." He writes John C.
Bagby of Rushville, declining to speak there August 21, 1858, as he
debates Douglas at Ottawa on that date. He will try to send Trumbull.
Abraham Lincoln to Stephen A. Douglas, 31 July 1858, CW, 2:531-32; Abraham Lincoln to Henry Asbury, 31 July 1858, CW, 2:530-31; Abraham Lincoln to John C. Bagby, 31 July 1858, CW, 2:531
Lincoln buys "trimming" for his wife at John Williams' store.
Pratt, Personal Finances, 149. |