Thursday, May 27, 1858.Springfield,
IL. | Lincoln writes to Washburne again. He is worried
about political affairs, which "just now bear a very mixed and
incongruous aspect." Local signs indicate reconciliation between
Douglas and Buchanan, but rumor from Chicago has it that Douglas will assume
Free-Soil ground and assail Buchanan when he returns to Illinois. Abraham
Lincoln to Elihu B. Washburne, 27 May 1858,
CW, 2:455. Lincoln writes
to Samuel Caldwell, who, on March 17, had written to Lincoln "asking an
opportunity to study law in my office." Lincoln replies, "It would afford me
pleasure to oblige you; but you perhaps are not aware that I do not keep office
in a way that is most suitable for a young man to study law in. I am from home
perhaps more than half my time, so that as a preceptor I should be of no value.
You will find many better opportunities, here than in my office."
Abraham Lincoln to Samuel Caldwell, 27 May 1858,
CW, 11:14-15. |