Tuesday, November 25, 1851.Springfield, IL.
| Lincoln writes to his step-brother John D. Johnston, of
Charleston, Illinois, regarding some property that Lincoln's stepmother Sara
Lincoln owns. Lincoln writes, "[I]f it be sold, of course, she is intitled to
the interest on all the money it brings, as long as she lives;
but you propose to sell it for three hundred dollars, take one hundred away
with you, and leave her two hundred, at 8 per cent, making her the
enormous sum of 16 dollars a year. Now, if you are satisfied
with treating her in that way, I am not." Abraham Lincoln to John D.
Johnston, 25 November 1851, CW,
2:113. Lincoln & Herndon obtain divorce and custody of
children for their client, Reuben Radford, in Radford v. Radford when defendant defaults. In
Bunn v. Snow and Keys, defendants confess debt of
$18.26. Record. |