February 27, 1851.Springfield,
IL. | Lincoln writes to William Martin of
Alton, Illinois, regarding the case of
Alton & Sangamon RR v.
Barret, scheduled to come before the Sangamon County Circuit Court in
the March term. Lincoln & Herndon represent the railroad, which is suing
James A. Barret, who refused to pay his subscription payments for railroad
stock. Barret stopped the payments after the railroad altered the construction
of a route line. Barret owned property along the railroad's original proposed
route. The route alteration bypassed Barret's property. Lincoln explains to
Martin, a commissioner for the sale of stock in the railroad, that Barret "has
sent in a proposal" in an attempt to resolve the issue. Lincoln asks Martin to
respond to the question of whether or not "the board...[has] the legal
authority to release a stockholder in whole or in part" from his subscription
obligation. Abraham Lincoln to William Martin, 27 February 1851,
Alton & Sangamon RR v. Barret, Private Collection; CW
11:6. |