Friday, May 25, 1849.Springfield, IL.
Lincoln writes letters to Richard W. Thompson and Elisha Embree, Whig
congressmen from Indiana. He describes Butterfield's proposed
appointment as "an egregious political blunder" which "will give
offence to the whole whig party here," and asks them to write to
President Taylor, "saying that either I, or the man I
recommend, should . . . be appointed to that office, if any
one from Illinois shall be."
Abraham Lincoln to Richard W. Thompson, 25 May 1849, CW, 2:51; Abraham Lincoln to Elisha Embree, 25 May 1849, CW, 2:51.
He buys $2.39 worth of clothing material, plus half-yard flannel for 38ยข.
Irwin Journal. |