Washington, DC.
Saturday, June 18, 1864.Washington, DC.
President confers with Cong. Lucian Anderson (Ky.) and Judge Rufus K.
Williams of Kentucky Court of Appeals relative to suspended
assessments and appointment of Gen. Eleazer A. Paine.
Abraham Lincoln to Edwin M. Stanton, 18 June 1864, CW, 7:400.
Summons C. A. Walborn to Washington relative to article in New York
"Tribune" charging official influence in political matters.
Abraham Lincoln to Cornelius A. Walborn, 18 June 1864, CW, 7:400.
Recognizes C. F. Mebius as consul of Bavaria at San Francisco. Evening Star (Washington, DC), 21 June 1864, 2d ed., Extra, 2:2.
Consults with O. H. Browning at night on D. L. Phillips and Commodore
Wilkes cases and appointment of Ebenezer Moore of Illinois as
secretary of Montana Territory.
List of Applicants for Montana Appointments, [c. June 1864], CW, 7:371-72; Browning, Diary.
Writes Sec. Welles: "My old friend C. B. Denio, is in some trouble, pecuniarily, . . . I feel confident he has not meant wrong, and I shall be glad for you to do the best for him you can."
Abraham Lincoln to Gideon Welles, 18 June 1864, CW, 7:401.
Transmits to Senate copy of dispatch from "Acting Consul of the United States at Havana" containing further evidence implicating J. A. Arguëlles in fraudulent sale of captured Negroes.
Abraham Lincoln to the Senate, 18 June 1864, CW, 7:399-400.