Results 22 entries found

Monday, January 18, 1836.+-

Vandalia, IL.

In brief session, House hears that passed bills have been correctly enrolled, that Council of Revision has approved them, and adjourns sine die on motion of Stuart of Sangamon without roll call.House Journal.

Wednesday, January 18, 1837.+-

Vandalia, IL.

Linder of Coles moves to amend his bank resolutions and substitute House committee of five to investigate bank. Hardin of Morgan moves to amend by having investigation made by joint select committee. Lincoln votes yea, but Hardin's motion is defeated.House Journal.

Friday, January 18, 1839.+-

Vandalia, IL.

John Calhoun reports from select committee, of which Lincoln is member, bill to establish counties of Menard, Logan, and Dane. Lincoln adds two amendments and bill is ordered engrossed for third reading. Bill making school commissioners elective passes 54 to 17. Lincoln and Baker vote nay.House Journal.

Saturday, January 18, 1840.+-

Springfield, IL.

On motion to engross bill for further work on Illinois and Michigan Canal, Lincoln votes yea.House Journal.

Monday, January 18, 1841.+-

Springfield, IL.

Lincoln is still absent from legislature. His condition is suggested by correspondent of John J. Hardin: "We have been very much distressed, on Mr. Lincoln's account; hearing he had two Cat fits, and a Duck fit since we left. Is it true? Do let me hear soon." Martin McKee to Hardin, 22 January 1841, John J. Hardin Papers, Chicago History Museum, Chicago, IL.

Tuesday, January 18, 1842.+-

Springfield, IL.

Supreme Court dismisses appeal in Hawks v. Lands and orders that procedendo issue to Circuit Court—appellee is to recover $20.95, which is 5 per cent damages on judgment appealed from, as well as costs.Record.

Wednesday, January 18, 1843.+-

Springfield, IL.

Lincoln, attorney for appellee in McDaniel v. Guy (SC), appeal from Macoupin County, files copy of record of Circuit Court and moves to dismiss appeal as appellant has failed to file. Appeal is dismissed. In People ex rel. McGoon v. Browne, motion for peremptory mandamus is argued by Campbell for relator and Scammon for defendant.Record.

Thursday, January 18, 1844.+-

Springfield, IL.

Reargument of England v. Clark (SC), assumpsit from Menard County, ordered by court March 3, 1843 is begun by Urquhart for plaintiff in error.Record.

Sangamo Journal announces that Lincoln, attorney for Urban Alexander, files attachment against defendant in Alexander v. Alexander.

Saturday, January 18, 1845.+-

Springfield, IL.

Lincoln buys two dozen pearl buttons (25¢), piece of domestic (8¢), set of cups and saucers and two preserve dishes for $1.25.Irwin Ledger and Journal.

Monday, January 18, 1847.+-

Springfield, IL.

Supreme Court denies Lincoln's petition for rehearing in Gear v. Clark. Minute Book 1845-49.

Tuesday, January 18, 1848.+-

Washington, DC.

John Jameson of Missouri replies to Lincoln's speech of 12th. "Strange position before the American Congress for such a Representative [from district of Hardin, Baker, and Shields]," he says.Globe.

[Henry Clay presides over immense meeting of American Colonization Society in House.]

Thursday, January 18, 1849.+-

Washington, DC.

Lincoln votes against House motion to table resolution reported by committee on printing 1,000 extra copies of documents submitted by secretary of war relating to harbor at Buffalo. Motion fails and resolution, amended, is adopted. Globe.

Friday, January 18, 1850.+-

Springfield, IL.

Emerson and Lincoln represent defendant in Adams et al. v. Logan County, Illinois in Supreme Court. Plaintiff seeks to recover property at Postville, donated to county on consideration of location of county seat there, and sold on its removal to Mt. Pulaski. Lincoln also represents defendant in Austin v. People for use of Burr et al., action in debt on guardian's bond. Circuit Court found Austin guilty. Record.

Saturday, January 18, 1851.+-

Springfield, IL.

On 14th bill to incorporate Illinois Central Railroad Company was introduced in Illinois Senate. It has been referred to Committee on Internal Improvements where it is under consideration. Senate Journal.

Friday, January 18, 1856.+-

Springfield, IL.

Lincoln cashes $53.64 check at Springfield Marine and Fire Insurance Co. Original owned by A. W. Hannah, Springfield, Ill.

Monday, January 18, 1858.+-

Springfield, IL.

In the U. S. Circuit Court, Lincoln is one of the attorneys representing plaintiff James Emmitt in the case of Emmitt v. Barret. Judge Samuel H. Treat sustains Emmitt's demurrer to defendant James A. Barret's plea. The attorneys for both parties had argued the merits of Emmitt's demurrer when they previously met in court on January 12, 1858. Emmitt is suing Barret for $8,000 in damages for Barret's failure to repay a $4,816.66 promissory note. Order, 18 January 1858, Emmitt v. Barret, Record Group 21, General Records, Vol. 1, 256; Order, 12 January 1858, Emmitt v. Barret, Record Group 21, General Records, Vol. 1, 244; Declaration, filed 2 January 1858, Emmitt v. Barret, Record Group 21, case file 279, all in U.S. Circuit Court, Southern District of Illinois, National Archives and Records Administration, Great Lakes Region, Chicago, IL.

Tuesday, January 18, 1859.+-

Springfield, IL.

Lincoln & Herndon win Wiggins Ferry Co. v. Steamer Ocean Spray when U.S. Court awards plaintiffs lien on salvaged ship, amounting to third of $940 for which wreck was sold August 25, 1858, less court costs. Record.

Lincoln buys cough remedies at Diller's Drug store. Day Book, Diller's Drug Store.

Friday, January 18, 1861.+-

Springfield, IL.

"A strong California delegation, headed by D. Crittenden, of San Francisco, is laying close siege to the President-elect." N.Y. Herald, 19 January 1861.

Saturday, January 18, 1862.+-

Washington, DC.

Delegation consisting of Cong. Crittenden (Ky.) and Sens. John P. Hale (N.H.), Henry S. Lane (Ind.), and James W. Nesmith (Oreg.) confers with President on behalf of Maj. Henry D. Wallen. Abraham Lincoln to Edwin M. Stanton, 18 January 1862, CW, 5:103.

Mrs. Lincoln sends carriage to bring Sen. Browning (Ill.) to White House in evening. Lincoln and Browning talk for more than hour. Sen. Garrett Davis (Ky.) joins them. Browning, Diary.

Sunday, January 18, 1863.+-

Washington, DC.

President attends morning service at Foundry Methodist Episcopal Church, 14th and G Streets NW, to hear sermon of Bishop Matthew Simpson on the missionary cause. The audience collects $150 to honor the President as a "Life Director" of the American Missionary Society. Daily National Republican (Washington, DC), 19 January 1863, 2d ed., 3:1; Washington Chronicle, 19 January 1863.

Converses with Assoc. Justice Davis on topics in general and reconstructed cabinet in particular. Browning, Diary.

Monday, January 18, 1864.+-

Washington, DC.

Lincoln acknowledges receipt of two lithographed facsimiles of Emancipation Proclamation sent by Thomas B. Bryan. Abraham Lincoln to Thomas B. Bryan, 18 January 1864, CW, 7:135.

Lincoln writes a note to "Whom it may concern" regarding Private John P. M. Thornton, with the 61st New York Volunteers, Company E. Lincoln explains, "Thornton . . . comes to me voluntarily under apprehension that he may be arrested, convicted, and punished as a deserter . . . I hereby direct him to report forthwith to his regiment for duty, and upon condition that he does this, and faithfully serves out his term, or until he shall be honorably discharged for any cause, he is fully pardoned for any supposed desertion heretofor committed." Abraham Lincoln to Whom It May Concern, 18 January 1864, CW, 7:137.

Confers with Walter Smith, Maryland slaveholder introduced by Sen. Johnson (Md.). Johnson to Lincoln, 18 January 1864, Abraham Lincoln Papers, Library of Congress, Washington, DC.

Drafts letter for Sec. Stanton to send to Gen. Butler at Fortress Monroe, Va., directing him to suspend certain fiscal measures affecting Norfolk and Portsmouth, Va. Abraham Lincoln to Benjamin F. Butler, [18 January 1864], CW, 7:135-36.

President Lincoln writes to William B. Sprague, of Albany, New York, in response to Sprague's request for Lincoln's autograph to be included in an "elegantly bound volume [of] autograph letters of all the Presidents of the United States." Sprague will donate the album to an upcoming fundraiser. Sprague explained, "When I asked a friend of mine how I could get a letter from you to crown the series, his instant reply was 'Write to the President himself.'" Sprague added, "I should prefer that the letter should not appear as addressed to myself; for in that case I can not say what temptation I might be under to keep it." Lincoln writes, "I send you this, for the use of the ladies mentioned, who are laboring for the relief of our sick and wounded soldiers." William B. Sprague to Abraham Lincoln, 13 January 1864, Abraham Lincoln Papers, Library of Congress, Washington, DC; Abraham Lincoln to William B. Sprague, 18 January 1864, CW, 10:219.

Wednesday, January 18, 1865.+-

Washington, DC.

President confers with Mr. Goodwin, Chicago lawyer, regarding appointment of Edwin C. Larned, partner of Mr. Goodwin. Abraham Lincoln to ? Goodwin, 18 January 1865, CW, 8:221.

Again interviews F. P. Blair, Sr., regarding peace talks with President Davis. Randall, Lincoln, 4:328.

Confers with Cong. Ashley (Ohio) about pending amendment to Constitution. Memorandum, 18 January 1865, John G. Nicolay Papers, Library of Congress, Washington, DC.

[Irwin deposits in Springfield Marine Bank $182.83, balance of principal plus interest on Springfield bond, and withdraws $50.88 to pay Lincoln's taxes. Pratt, Personal Finances, 166, 178.]

Lincoln issues permit to Mrs. R. I. Ward of Louisville, Ky. to transport cotton under treasury regulations. [Permit is marked "Cancelled."] Cotton Permit for Mrs. R. I. Ward, 18 January 1865, CW, 8:221.