Results 19 entries found

Wednesday, October 15, 1817.+-

Vincennes, IN.

[Thomas Lincoln enters at government land office at Vincennes farm upon which he is living. (S.W. ¼ of Sec. 32, T. 4 S., R. 5 W. of 2 P.M.) He pays preliminary installment of $16.Beveridge, Abraham Lincoln, 1:47; Land Entry Book, Carter Township, Spencer County, 296.]

Monday, October 15, 1838.+-

Springfield, IL.

Stuart & Lincoln get aggregate damages of $1,637.02 in six default cases: Durley v. Mitts & Ball; Ellis & Vaughn v. Maxey; Trotter v. Phelps; Harlan v. Moffett & Moffett; VanBergen v. Neale; Simpson v. Coffman. They get jury verdict for $15 in Dingman v. Derrin, and $74.15 in Kincaid v. Powers. They file defendant's plea in May v. Weber, Ruckle & Co.Record.

Thursday, October 15, 1840.+-

[DeWitt County Circuit Court convenes at Clinton.]

Friday, October 15, 1841.+-

Springfield, IL.

["Sangamo Journal" comments on editorial in "Fulton Telegraph" in which Lincoln is proposed as Whig candidate for governor. "TheFulton Telegraph pays just compliment to Mr. Lincoln." His "talents and services endear him to the Whig party but we do not believe he desires the nomination."Sangamo Journal, 15 October 1841.]

Tuesday, October 15, 1844.+-

Peoria, IL.

Lincoln appears for plaintiff in Peoria Circuit Court in Spies v. Neal et al. Spies, New York merchant, got judgment by default for $1,273 debt and $52.41 damages in May 1839. On October 2, 1844, Spies purchased property levied upon at sheriff's sale. Lincoln asks court to set aside levy on execution issued on judgment.Record.

Wednesday, October 15, 1845.+-

Danville, IL.

[Lincoln's tailor, Biddle, buys cloak trimmings ($2.38), charging to Lincoln's account.Irwin Ledger and Journal.]

Friday, October 15, 1847.+-

Charleston, IL.

Anthony Bryant and family, having run away from their Kentucky master, Robert Matson, were placed in county jail. Gideon Ashmore and Hiram Rutherford petitioned for writ of habeas corpus. Justice Wilson of Supreme Court accompanies Judge Treat to Charleston to hear case. Rutherford tries to retain Lincoln but he has already agreed to appear for Matson.

Wednesday, October 15, 1851.+-

Urbana, IL.

On first day of Champaign Circuit Court, Davis v. Wilson et ux., before court May 1, 1851, is settled by agreement, defendants being ordered to convey premises in question to complainant. In case they default, Lincoln is to act as commissioner and make conveyance. Brownfield v. McElroy, appeal, is dismissed by Lincoln at cost of his client, plaintiff. Record.

Friday, October 15, 1852.+-

Urbana, IL.

Somers and Murphy sign and file plaintiff's replication in Burt v. Jennings. Replication is in handwriting of Lincoln, attorney for defendant. Defendant is accused of attacking plaintiff with knife, cutting him and impairing his sight. Jury awards plaintiff five cents damages. Lincoln also writes and files defendant's answer in Burt v. Owings. Photocopy.

Monday, October 15, 1855.+-

Clinton, IL.

DeWitt Circuit Court convenes. By agreement of counsel, ejectment suit which Lincoln filed at May term on behalf of Milton K. Alexander of Paris is continued. In Dungey v. Spencer, he has defendant ruled to plead Tuesday morning. He is for plaintiff in both. Record.

Wednesday, October 15, 1856.+-

Clinton, IL.

[Cases involving Lincoln are called in DeWitt Circuit Court, but record does not show that he takes part.]

Thursday, October 15, 1857.+-

Clinton, IL.

Lincoln writes, signs, and files pleas in two cases in which he is associated with Clifton Moore, Woodard v. Illinois Central RR, and Powers, Lemen & Co. v. Beeres. Photocopy.

Friday, October 15, 1858.+-

Alton, IL.

Seventh joint debate takes place. Steamer White Cloud brings up several hundred from St. Louis, and many come from Springfield and Carlinville on special train. Among them is Mrs. Lincoln, who stays with Lincoln at Franklin House. Debate takes place in afternoon at south front of City Hall. Chicago Tribune, 18 October 1858; T. J. McCormack, ed., Memoirs of Gustave Koerner, 1809-1896, 2 vols. (Cedar Rapids, IA: The Torch Press, 1909), 2:66; Seventh and Last Debate with Stephen A. Douglas at Alton, Illinois, 15 October 1858, CW, 3:283-325.

Saturday, October 15, 1859.+-

Clinton, IL and Springfield, IL.

Springfield Republicans are jubilant at election returns. "Mr. Lincoln, the 'giant killer,' returned from DeWitt county court on the Saturday evening train, and when it became known he was in the city several hundred Republicans, headed by a band of music, formed in procession and proceeded to his residence." Lincoln goes with them to Capitol and speaks. Illinois State Journal, 17 October 1859; Speech at Springfield, Illinois, 15 October 1859, CW, 3:489.

Monday, October 15, 1860.+-

Springfield, IL.

To L. Montgomery Bond of Philadelphia Lincoln explains his attitude toward South: "I certainly am in no temper, and have no purpose, to embitter the feelings of the South; but whether I am inclined to such a course as would, in fact, embitter their feelings, you can better judge by my published speeches, than by anything I would say in a short letter." In evening Lincoln visits Wigwam, where Thomas Corwin of Ohio speaks. Abraham Lincoln to L. Montgomery Bond, 15 October 1860, CW, 4:128; Illinois State Journal, 16 October 1860.

Tuesday, October 15, 1861.+-

Washington, DC.

Lincoln attends to routine appointments and pardon case. Abraham Lincoln to Edward Bates, 15 October 1861, CW, 4:554; Abraham Lincoln to Edward Bates, 15 October 1861, CW, 4:554-55; Abraham Lincoln to Simon Cameron, [c. 15] October 1861, CW, 4:555; Abraham Lincoln to Simon Cameron, 15 October 1861, CW, 4:555; Abraham Lincoln to Montgomery C. Meigs, 15 October 1861, CW, 4:555.

Wednesday, October 15, 1862.+-

Washington, DC.

F. S. Asta Buruaga, chargé d'Affairs of Chile, accompanied by Secretary of State Seward, visits President. William H. Seward to Abraham Lincoln, 16 October 1862, Abraham Lincoln Papers, Library of Congress, Washington, DC.

Thursday, October 15, 1863.+-

Washington, DC.

President discusses political situation while visiting telegraph office and makes tabulation to show presidential election will be close. William B. Hesseltine, Lincoln and the War Governors (New York: Knopf, 1948), 351.

Postpones execution of Dr. David M. Wright to October 23. "This is intended for his preparation and is final." Abraham Lincoln to John G. Foster, 15 October 1863, CW, 6:514.

Issues pass: "Allow Mrs. Robert S. Todd [step-mother of Mrs. Lincoln], widow, to go south and bring her daughter, Mrs. Genl B. Hardin Helm, with her children, North to Kentucky." Abraham Lincoln to Lyman B. Todd, 15 October 1863, CW, 6:517.

[Irwin withdraws $9 from Springfield Marine Bank, semiannual payment of interest on scholarship at Illinois State University. Pratt, Personal Finances, 177.]

Lincoln writes an order to Sec. Stanton : "This lady, Abigail C. Berea, had a husband and three sons in the war, and has been a nurse herself, without pay"; and asks to have her youngest son discharged because of poor health. "Let it be done." Abraham Lincoln to Edwin M. Stanton, 15 October 1863, CW, 6:516.

Saturday, October 15, 1864.+-

Washington, DC.

Shortly after 6 A.M. President, Secretary of State William H. Seward, Attorney General Edward Bates, and Postmaster General William Dennison attend funeral service for Chief Justice Taney at residence on Indiana Avenue near 2d St. Just before 7 A.M. procession, including President, moves toward railroad station. At 7:30 A.M. special funeral train of two cars departs for Frederick, Md., where burial takes place at 11:30 A.M. President does not make trip. Evening Star (Washington, DC), 15 October 1864, 2d ed., 2:4; Washington Chronicle, 16 October 1864.

Lincoln interviews John Lellyet, who presents protest from fellow Tennesseans against voting procedures and Mil. Gov. Johnson's administration of elections. Henry J. Raymond, The Life and Public Services of Abraham Lincoln . . . Together with his State Papers, including his Speeches, Addresses, Messages, Letters, and Proclamations and the Closing Scenes Connected with his Life and Death (New York: Derby & Miller, 1865), 598-600.

Telegraphs H. W. Hoffman in Baltimore: "Come over to-night and see me." Abraham Lincoln to Henry W. Hoffman, 15 October 1864, CW, 8:48-49.

[Irwin withdraws from Springfield Marine Bank $9, semiannual payment of interest on scholarship at Illinois State University. Pratt, Personal Finances, 178.]