Results 19 entries found

Tuesday, February 25, 1834.+-

New Salem, IL.

Lincoln draws up and signs petition to commissioners' court of Sangamon County asking them to "appoint viewers to view and locate a road from Musick's ferry on Salt creek via New Salem to the county line in the direction of Jacksonville."IHi—Original.

Saturday, February 25, 1837.+-

Vandalia, IL.

Senate reports concurrence in House amendments to relocation bill. Council of Revision reports rejection of internal improvement bill. Lincoln votes with majority to repass bill, 53 to 20. [Bill passes Senate Monday 23 to 13.]House Journal.

Monday, February 25, 1839.+-

Vandalia, IL.

Lincoln continues to defend internal improvement system by votes to postpone indefinitely bill classifying railroads, and for three fund commissioners in preference to one. He votes yea on bill authorizing limited partnerships. Bill fails 42 to 35.House Journal.

Tuesday, February 25, 1840.+-

Springfield, IL.

Someone, perhaps Lincoln, purchases 75¢ worth of merchandise from a Springfield store and charges it to the Stuart & Lincoln account.Account of Stuart & Lincoln (copy), 25 February 1840, Irwin & Corneau Account Book, 185, microfilm, IHi, Springfield, IL.

Thursday, February 25, 1841.+-

Springfield, IL.

On motion of Lincoln, bill supplemental to charter of Springfield and Alton Turnpike Co. is taken up and ordered engrossed. He takes active part in bank bill discussion. It finally passes, 43 ayes and 38 nays, Lincoln voting nay.House Journal.

Friday, February 25, 1842.+-

Springfield, IL.

Lincoln writes two letters to his friend Joshua F. Speed, who recently moved to Kentucky, where he married Fanny Henning. Perhaps Speed had second thoughts about marriage, but Lincoln assures him that he has chosen the right mate. To think otherwise would be, in Lincoln's estimation, "ridiculous." In the second letter he intended for both Joshua and Fanny to read, Lincoln admits to being a little "jealous" and he "regret[s] to learn that you have resolved to not return to Illinois. I shall be verry lonesome without you."Abraham Lincoln to Joshua F. Speed, 25 February 1842, CW, 1:280-81; Abraham Lincoln to Joshua F. Speed, 25 February 1842, CW, 1:281.

Lincoln writes praecipe and bond in Langley v. Goode. He agrees to pay costs in case, gets John W. Wheat to sign bond, and mails to Jesse Langley at Taylorville February 28, 1842. Record.

Saturday, February 25, 1843.+-

Springfield, IL.

Scammon moves rehearing in Holdridge v. Bayley (SC); motion denied on 27th.Record.

Wednesday, February 25, 1846.+-

Springfield, IL.

Lincoln probably completes his poem of 24 quatrains, "My Childhood-Home I See Again." He wrote to Johnston yesterday: "I have a piece that is almost done, but I find a deal of trouble to finish it." He sends first ten stanzas to Johnston April 18, 1846, remainder September 6, 1846, indicating that Lincoln drafted verse, was not fully satisfied with it, and retained it while considering improvements."My Childhood-Home I See Again, [25? February] 1846, CW, 1:367-70; Abraham Lincoln to Andrew Johnston, 24 February 1846, CW, 1:366-67.

Thursday, February 25, 1847.+-

Springfield, IL.

"Yours of the 2d of December was duly delivered to me by Mr. Williams," writes Lincoln to Andrew Johnston of Quincy. "I am not at all displeased with your proposal to publish the poetry, or doggerel . . . which I sent you . . . but let names be suppressed by all means. I have not sufficient hope of the verses attracting any favorable notice to tempt me to risk being ridiculed for having written them."Abraham Lincoln to Andrew Johnston, 25 February 1847, CW, 1:392.

Monday, February 25, 1850.+-

Springfield, IL.

Lincoln writes to John Murray and President Taylor regarding office Murray wants. Abraham Lincoln to John Murray, 25 February 1850, CW, 2:77.

Tuesday, February 25, 1851.+-

Springfield, IL.

Lincoln writes and files notices that depositions will be taken in remaining three Alton & Sangamon cases. He writes and signs "Parker & Lincoln" to declaration in Hicks v. Meeker, Tazewell County case in which plaintiff accuses defendant of raping his daughter and asks $1,000 damages, and mails it to Pekin. Herndon-Weik Collection, Library of Congress, Washington, DC.

Saturday, February 25, 1854.+-

Springfield, IL.

Pate v. People, action of debt on recognizance, comes before Supreme Court on appeal from Vermilion County. Lincoln argues case for appellant, whom he represented in lower court, and Campbell, state's attorney, appears for appellee. Ultimately court affirms Circuit Court judgment. Record; 15 Ill. 221.

Thursday, February 25, 1858.+-

Springfield, IL.

Lincoln responds to Mark Carley, who apparently asked Lincoln to speak to Illinois Governor William Henry Bissell about installing Carley as a county judge. In November 1857, Carley ran for the office of county judge in Champaign County amid questions about whether or not he met the minimum residency requirements. Lincoln writes that he spoke to Governor Bissell "to day." Lincoln explains, "[H]e thinks you had no legal residence in the precinct when you were elected; clearly you were not entitled to vote in the precinct, and therefore he thinks you could not be lawfully voted for in it." Abraham Lincoln to Mark Carley, 25 February 1858, CW, 10:28; Our Constitution (Urbana, IL), 7 November 1857, 2:1-3.

Saturday, February 25, 1860.+-

Philadelphia, PA and New York, NY.

Changing trains in Philadelphia, Lincoln receives note from Simon Cameron and David Wilmot inviting him to visit them at Girard House. He calls there and finds both out. Abraham Lincoln to Simon Cameron, 26 February 1860, CW, 3:521.

On arriving at New York he takes rooms at Astor House. He visits office of New York "Independent" and talks with Henry C. Bowen, editor. He also spends some time revising his address. Henry B. Rankin, Intimate Character Sketches of Abraham Lincoln (Philadelphia: Lippincott, 1924), 178-81; Joseph F. Newton, Lincoln and Herndon (Cedar Rapids, IA: Torch Press, 1910), 266-67.

Monday, February 25, 1861.+-

Washington, DC.

Lincoln, escorted by Sen. Seward (N.Y.), attends informal reception in both houses of Congress and visits justices of Supreme Court during afternoon. National Intelligencer, 26 February 1861; Albert Shaw, Abraham Lincoln, His Path to the Presidency: The Year of his Election,, 2 vols. (New York: Review of Reviews, 1930), 2:261.

In evening Mr. and Mrs. Lincoln receive visitors for two hours in hotel parlors. Baltimore Sun, 26 February 1861.

[Irwin withdraws $5.50 from Springfield Marine Bank. Pratt, Personal Finances, 176.]

Tuesday, February 25, 1862.+-

Washington, DC.

Cabinet meets and discusses paroling prisoners of war. Bates, Diary.

President approves Treasury Note (Legal Tender) Bill that results in issuance of "Greenbacks." N.Y. Times, 26 February 1862.

Gen. Butler calls on Lincoln before leaving Washington for Ship Island, Miss., and New Orleans. President tells him to get into New Orleans and thus break back of rebellion. Rice, 142.

Consults with Committee on Conduct of War in evening and hears its recommendations that Army of Potomac be divided into corps. Committee on Conduct of War, Report (1863), 1:86-87.

Transmits to Congress Russian documentation relative to "Trent" affair. Abraham Lincoln to the Senate and House of Representatives, 25 February 1862, CW, 5:137.

Wednesday, February 25, 1863.+-

Washington, DC.

President approves act establishing system of national banks. J. Duane Squires, "Some Enduring Achievements of the Lincoln Administration, 1861-65," Abraham Lincoln Quarterly 5 (December 1848):198-99.

Sends nominations to Senate for "Passed Midshipman Samuel Pearce and Nathaniel T. West, now on the retired list, to be ensigns in the Navy on the retired list." Abraham Lincoln to the Senate, 25 February 1863, CW, 6:116-17.

Thursday, February 25, 1864.+-

Washington, DC.

President interviews Joseph Merrifield, who has filed complaint against Gen. Butler. Merrifield to Lincoln, 25 February 1864, Abraham Lincoln Papers, Library of Congress, Washington, DC.

Former Cong. Casey (Ky.) consults with Lincoln about bringing cotton out of Red River area. Casey to Lincoln, 25 February 1864, Abraham Lincoln Papers, Library of Congress, Washington, DC.

President notifies Sec. Chase to arrange 7 P.M. White House interview for J. F. Bailey about New York customs organization. Abraham Lincoln to Salmon P. Chase, 25 February 1864, CW, 7:204.

President and Mrs. Lincoln visit Grover's Theatre for performance by Edwin Booth in the title role in John Howard Payne's Brutus. Washington Chronicle, 26 February 1864; Daily National Intelligencer (Washington, DC), 25 February 1864, 3:6.

Lincoln telegraphs Gen. Steele: "General Sickles is not going to Arkansas. He probably will make a tour down the Mississippi, and home by the Gulf and ocean, but he will not meddle in your affairs." Abraham Lincoln to Frederick Steele, 25 February 1864, CW, 7:204-5.

Saturday, February 25, 1865.+-

Washington, DC.

Lincoln issues pass for R. A. Pryor to report to Gen. Grant for exchange. Pass for Roger A. Pryor, 25 February 1865, CW, 8:317.

President and Mrs. Lincoln greet guests at afternoon reception. Washington Chronicle, 26 February 1865; Evening Star (Washington, DC), 27 February 1865, 2d ed., 2:4.

Charles Adolphe de Pineton, Marquis de Chambrun, French diplomat and friend of Sen. Sumner (Mass.), meets President at reception in White House and two days later writes of him: "He dominates everyone present and maintains his exalted position without the slightest effort." Adolphe de Pineton, marquis de Chambrun, Impressions of Lincoln and the Civil War: A Foreigner's Account (New York: Random House, 1952), 21-23.

President transmits to Senate report of Secretary of War and "General Orders No. 23, issued by Major General Banks," promulgating regulations concerning compensated plantation labor. Abraham Lincoln to the Senate, 25 February 1865, CW, 8:317.