Results 1 entry found

Sunday, October 24, 1858.+-

Blandinsville, IL.

Lincoln writes letters. To John Moses he says: "Throw on all your weight. Some things I have heard make me think your case is not so desperate as you thought when I was in Winchester. Put in your best licks." He cautions Alexander Sympson to beware of deal between Douglas and Buchanan Democrats in Hancock County. He reports to Judd on prospects in Hancock, where he spoke three times: "Tight, with chances slightly in our favor." Abraham Lincoln to John Moses, 24 October 1858, CW, 3:332; Abraham Lincoln to Alexander Sympson, 24 October 1858, CW, 3:332; Abraham Lincoln to Norman B. Judd, 24 October 1858, CW, 3:332.