Results 27 entries found

Monday, August 2, 1858.+-

Springfield, IL.

Lincoln is busy at his desk. He writes eight brief letters. "Pardon me for not writing a longer letter," he tells Henry Whitney. "I have a great many letters to write." One is to B. C. Cook of Ottawa, warning against nominating extreme abolitionists as candidates for Congress and legislature in that district. Others go to Gillespie, J. T. Eccles, and J. F. Alexander regarding speeches in their towns. Abraham Lincoln to Henry C. Whitney, 2 August 1858, CW, 2:534-35; Abraham Lincoln to Burton C. Cook, 2 August 1858, CW, 2:532-33; Abraham Lincoln to Joseph Gillespie, 2 August 1858, CW, 2:533; Abraham Lincoln to Joseph T. Eccles, 2 August 1858, CW, 2:533; Abraham Lincoln to Jediah F. Alexander, 2 August 1858, CW, 2:532; Abraham Lincoln to Abraham Jonas, 2 August 1858, CW, 2:533-34; Abraham Lincoln to C. W. Michael and William Proctor, 2 August 1858, CW, 2:534; Abraham Lincoln to Lyman Porter, 2 August 1858, CW, 2:534.

Tuesday, August 3, 1858.+-

Springfield, IL.

Lincoln answers request of W. H. Grigsby for position in his office. "My partner, Mr. Herndon, controls our office in this respect, and I have known of his declining at least a dozen applications like yours within the last three months." He writes Daniel S. Dickinson of New York regarding Alfred Hyde, convict he met in spring of 1857 while Hyde was being taken to penitentiary at Alton. Abraham Lincoln to William H. Grigsby, 3 August 1858, CW, 2:535-36; Abraham Lincoln to Daniel S. Dickinson, 3 August 1858, CW, 2:535.

Wednesday, August 4, 1858.+-

Carlinville, IL.

Lincoln is in town for several hours. During evening he talks politics with John M. Palmer. Carlinville Free Democrat, 5 August 1858; Abraham Lincoln to John M. Palmer, 5 August 1858, CW, 2:536.

Thursday, August 5, 1858.+-

Springfield, IL.

Lincoln writes Palmer, promising to speak in Carlinville August 31, 1858. He also writes Dummer at Beardstown that he does not understand Republican party to be committed to "no more slave states." All "prefer" that there be no more, but many feel under obligation to admit slave states from Texas should any present themselves. Carlinville Free Democrat, 5 August 1858; Abraham Lincoln to John M. Palmer, 5 August 1858, CW, 2:536; Abraham Lincoln to Henry E. Dummer, 5 August 1858, CW, 2:536.

Mrs. Lincoln buy yard goods. Pratt, Personal Finances, 149.

Friday, August 6, 1858.+-

Springfield, IL.

Lincoln informs Koerner that in response to many requests he is having his late speeches printed. "Journal" is printing 7,000 copies of speech of July 17, 1858, and he has made arrangements in Chicago for publication in German. "Please write me, on receipt of this, and let me know if you have any news from Madison," he concludes. "Every place seems to be coming quite up to my expectation, except Madison." Abraham Lincoln to Gustave P. Koerner, 6 August 1858, CW, 2:536-37.

Monday, August 9, 1858.+-

Springfield, IL.

Lincoln writes briefly to Joseph O. Glover, mayor of Ottawa, on politics. Abraham Lincoln to Joseph O. Glover, 9 August 1858, CW, 2:537.

He writes regrets to his friend D. A. Cheever of Tremont, that previous engagement prevents acceptance of speaking invitation and suggests S. C. Parks of Lincoln as speaker. IU—Original.

He buys 10¢ plaster at his drug store. Pratt, Personal Finances, 152.

Tuesday, August 10, 1858.+-

Springfield, IL.

A newspaper correspondent in Springfield comments on Lincoln's popularity: "The old Whigs are rallying under him, whom they know to be a true and tried standard bearer, and the able opponent of Douglas." The correspondent adds, "Mr. Lincoln leaves to morrow evening for Beardstown, where he will throw some of his hot shot into the Douglas camp, and charge home upon the doughface. It will be the work of Lincoln to show the people the truth and to paint the dodger as he is." Chicago Daily Press and Tribune (IL), 12 August 1858, 2:3.

Lincoln writes a letter to Albert Parker and remarks, "As to politics I am doing what I can for the cause. They have a meeting at Tremont on Saturday the 14th and I wish you would go down and mingle with your old friends upon that occasion." Abraham Lincoln to Albert Parker, 10 August 1858, CW, 2:538.

Wednesday, August 11, 1858.+-

Springfield, IL and Naples, IL.

Lincoln writes to Alexander Sympson of Carthage that he will be at Augusta on 25. "Things look reasonably well. Will tell you more fully when I see you." He tells Daniel A. Cheever of New Hampshire that his latest Springfield speech has been printed, and sends 250 copies. If more are needed, he can write to J. O. Johnson in Springfield. Abraham Lincoln to Alexander Sympson, 11 August 1858, CW, 2:538; Abraham Lincoln to Daniel A. Cheever, 11 August 1858, CW, 8:415.

In the Sangamon County Circuit Court case of Caldwell v. Caldwell, Lincoln's client, George M. Caldwell, requests a dismissal of the divorce proceedings. The Court approves Caldwell's request. Caldwell filed for a divorce from Laura S. Caldwell claiming that their marriage "became . . . uneasy . . . unpleasant and annoying on account of the irratable fire & powder disposition of . . . Laura. Every thing was hot & full of nettles where she was. . . . [I]t is a 'manifest destiny' that . . . [the couple] cannot live together as husband & wife." Bill for Divorce, filed 31 May 1858, Caldwell v. Caldwell, IHi, Springfield, IL; Decree, 11 August 1858, Caldwell v. Caldwell, Record R 1858-1859, 108, Sangamon County Circuit Court, Illinois State Regional Archives Depository, University of Illinois at Springfield, Springfield, IL.

On evening train Lincoln goes to Naples on Illinois River, whence he can easily reach Beardstown next morning.

Thursday, August 12, 1858.+-

Beardstown, IL.

Lincoln arrives in the morning in Beardstown "on board the steamer Sam Gaty" from Naples, Illinois. A "procession of three or four hundred and escort" him as he travels by carriage to the National Hotel. Sometime after two o'clock in the afternoon, Lincoln, in his bid for a Senate seat against Stephen Douglas, delivers a two-hour campaign speech in the "public square" before an audience of between 2,500 to 3,000 people. A newspaper reports that Lincoln is scheduled to travel to Havana the next day "and thence to Peoria." Chicago Daily Press and Tribune (IL), 17 August 1858, 2:4-5; Speech at Beardstown, Illinois, 12 August 1858, CW, 2:538-41.

Friday, August 13, 1858.+-

Havana, IL.

Beardstown citizens give Lincoln sendoff as he takes passage for Havana. Arriving there in afternoon while Douglas is speaking, he is met at wharf by crowd and escorted to residence of Francis Law. Illinois State Journal, 20 August 1858; Chicago Tribune, 20 August 1858.

Saturday, August 14, 1858.+-

Havana, IL.

Lincoln takes stand at 2 P.M. and speaks for two hours. William Kellogg, congressman from district, follows him. "The day has been extremely warm, but delegations from quite a distance are here." Delegation from Bath asks Lincoln to speak there Monday, and he accepts. Illinois State Journal, 20 August 1858; Chicago Tribune, 20 August 1858; Speech at Havana, Illinois, 14 August 1858, CW, 2:541-43.

Monday, August 16, 1858.+-

Bath, IL.

Lincoln, in his speech, reminisces. He calls attention to presence on platform of several men who were in same company with him in Black Hawk War, and reminds audience that 22 years ago he staked out town of Bath, then a wooded wilderness. Chicago Tribune, 21 August 1858.

"A large crowd assembled here to hear Lincoln today, and all pronounce it a good day's work." Illinois State Journal, 21 August 1858; Speech at Bath, Illinois, 16 August 1858, CW, 2:543-44.

Tuesday, August 17, 1858.+-

Bath, IL and Lewistown, IL.

At nine o'clock in the morning, a contingent of "one hundred horsemen" ride out to meet Lincoln who is coming from Bath to Lewistown to deliver a speech. A large crowd, enough to fill the "whole space in front of the Court House, extending the length of an entire block," gathers in anticipation. At two o'clock in the afternoon, William Kellogg, a Republican member of Illinois's congressional delegation, introduces Lincoln. Lincoln speaks for two and one half hours, and includes extracts "from the speeches and letters of Henry Clay." Lincoln criticizes his opponent Stephen A. Douglas for refusing to state his opinion clearly on the morality of slavery. When Lincoln finishes his speech, the crowd gives him "three great cheers." One report deems his arguments "the most powerful...ever heard in Old Fulton." Chicago Daily Press and Tribune (IL), 21 August 1858, 2:3-4; Speech at Lewistown, Illinois, 17 August 1858, CW, 2:544-47.

Wednesday, August 18, 1858.+-

Peoria, IL.

Democratic correspondent chronicles Lincoln's arrival: "Mr. Lincoln arrived this evening, and took rooms at the Peoria House—he looks jaded. I take it he has no hope—he is evidently disappointed in the feeling here—he is to reply to Senator Douglas on tomorrow afternoon." Register, 23 August 1858.

[Mrs. Lincoln buys yard of linen. Pratt, Personal Finances, 149.]

Thursday, August 19, 1858.+-

Peoria, IL.

At two o'clock in the afternoon, following the adjournment of the Fourth District's Republican Congressional Convention, approximately 3,000 people gather to hear senatorial candidate Lincoln deliver a speech "from a stand on the east side of the public square." Although inclement weather interrupts his speech, Lincoln completes it "notwithstanding a continued drizzle of rain." One newspaper reports, "those who went to scoff, came away...strong Lincoln men." The newspaper adds, "[the] cool, calm arguments of Lincoln are perfectly irresistible." Daily Illinois State Journal (Springfield), 21 August 1858, 2:3.

Friday, August 20, 1858.+-

Morris, IL.

In order to enter Ottawa on debate day, Lincoln spends night in Morris, arriving during evening. Register, 24 August 1858.

[Mrs. Lincoln buys and charges ($1) pound of tea. Pratt, Personal Finances, 149.]

Saturday, August 21, 1858.+-

Ottawa, IL.

U.S. senatorial candidates Abraham Lincoln and Stephen A. Douglas are in Ottawa, Illinois, where they meet in their first joint debate. Newspapers report, "Twelve Thousand Persons Present!" Douglas asserts, "Mr. Lincoln and his party...are trying to array all the Northern States...against the South, to excite a sectional war between the free States and the slave States." Lincoln responds, "I leave it to you to say whether, in the history of our government, this institution of slavery has not always failed to be a bond of union, and, on the contrary, been an apple of discord and an element of division." Daily Illinois State Register (Springfield), 24 August 1858, 2:2-3; Daily Illinois State Journal (Springfield), 24 August 1858, 2:3; Chicago (IL) Daily Press and Tribune, 23 August 1858, 1:2-9, 4:1; Abraham Lincoln to Joseph Gillespie, 21 August 1858, CW, 3:1-37.

[Mrs. Lincoln buys and charges soap and coffee, then sends "Son" for eight pounds of sugar. Pratt, Personal Finances, 149.]

Sunday, August 22, 1858.+-

Ottawa, IL.

On the day after the first debate with Stephen A. Douglas, Republican U.S. Senate candidate Lincoln writes to the Urbana Union newspaper editor, Joseph O. Cunningham. Cunningham inquired about when Lincoln might speak in Urbana. Lincoln writes, "I am . . . pressed by invitations from almost all quarters; and while I hope to be at Urbana sometime during the canvass I cannot yet say when. . . . Douglas and I, for the first time this canvass, crossed swords here yesterday; the fire flew some, and I am glad to know I am yet alive. There was a vast concourse of people—more than could [get] near enough to hear." Abraham Lincoln to Joseph O. Cunningham, 22 August 1858, CW, 3:37.

Monday, August 23, 1858.+-

Henry, IL.

Lincoln addresses meeting, having boarded 3 A.M. train at Ottawa. Herndon & Weik (1892 ed.), II, 108; Chicago Tribune, 24 August 1858; Ottawa Republican, 23 August 1858.

He writes Ebenezer Peck of Chicago asking Peck and Judd to meet him at Freeport to discuss question technique Douglas introduced at Ottawa. Photocopy.

Tuesday, August 24, 1858.+-

Galesburg, IL and En route to Augusta, IL.

Lincoln, on a stopover en route to Augusta, arrives in Galesburg at about 3:30 in the afternoon on the Chicago, Burlington & Quincy Railroad. He makes "a few remarks" before a crowd of approximately a thousand people who gather at the Bancroft House. Lincoln apologizes that the short length of his stay in Galesburg does not allow him enough "time to make anything of a speech." Chicago Daily Press and Tribune (IL), 26 August 1858, 2:3.

Wednesday, August 25, 1858.+-

Augusta, IL and Macomb, IL.

In the morning, the Republican Party holds a nominating convention at the Presbyterian Church in Augusta. The convention adjourns, and an audience of approximately 1,200 people gathers at "a beautiful grove in the suburbs of the town" to hear Lincoln deliver a speech. Lincoln begins speaking at around two o'clock in the afternoon, focusing his remarks on the slavery issue. In spite of the rainy weather, most of the audience stays to listen to the two-hour speech, "even the ladies, of whom there were a large number present, kept their seats till the speech was finished." In the evening, Lincoln speaks to an audience that fills the Macomb courthouse. A newspaper reports that Lincoln delivers his remarks in a relaxed manner, and that "his speech was more like an earnest conversation with his Old Whig friends." Chicago Daily Press and Tribune (IL), 28 August 1858, 1:2; The Augusta Eagle (IL), 8 December 1932, 1:1-2; The Plymouth Locomotive (IL), 28 August 1858, 2:1-2; Abraham Lincoln to Alexander Sympson (copy), 11 August 1858, copy files, IHi, Springfield, IL; Speech at Augusta, Illinois, 25 August 1858, CW, 3:37-38.

Thursday, August 26, 1858.+-

Macomb, IL and Amboy, IL.

Lincoln checks out of Randolph Hotel at Macomb in morning. Randolph Hotel Room Book.

Before leaving town, T. P. Pearson, photographer, makes ambrotype of him. ISLA—Statement of Jacob Thompson.

In afternoon he goes to Amboy where he makes short speech and stays night. ISLA—Letter of Charles E. Ives, 7 February 1927.

John Hay has Lincoln staying the night in Mendota. An Oral History of Abraham Lincoln, 45—Conversation with Norman B. Judd, 28 February 1876.

Friday, August 27, 1858.+-

Freeport, IL.

U.S. senatorial candidates Abraham Lincoln and Stephen A. Douglas are in Freeport, Illinois, where they meet in their second joint debate. Douglas charges, "[Lincoln] will not tell you distinctly whether he will vote for or against the admission of any more slave States." Lincoln rebuts, "I do not ask for the vote of any one who supposes that I have secret purposes or pledges that I dare not speak out." Lincoln encourages voters to "Go for" the candidate whose "views" are "in accordance with your feelings." Daily Illinois State Journal (Springfield), 30 August 1858, 2:3, 1 September 1858, 2:1-4, 2 September 1858, 2:1-4; Chicago (IL) Daily Press and Tribune, 30 August 1858, 1:4-6, 2:2-7; Second Debate with Stephen A. Douglas at Freeport, Illinois, 27 August 1858, CW, 3:38-76.

Saturday, August 28, 1858.+-

El Paso, IL and Peoria, IL.

Changing from Illinois Central to Peoria & Oquawka, Lincoln has hour's wait in El Paso. Crowd gathers, and he makes short speech. He is on his way to Peoria. Chicago Daily Press and Tribune (IL), 3 September 1858, 2:3.

Sunday, August 29, 1858.+-

Pekin, IL.

"Lincoln arrived here on Sunday evening, en route for Tremont." Register, 4 September 1858.

Monday, August 30, 1858.+-

Tremont, IL.

The Tazewell County Republicans hold their nominating convention in the morning. At about 1:30 in the afternoon, John A. Jones introduces Lincoln, who speaks from the steps of the courthouse before a crowd of between 1,500 and 2,000 people. In his two-hour speech, Lincoln compares the Whig and Republican parties, explains his opposition to slavery, and discusses other "great issues" of the day. William Kellogg, a candidate for Congress and a former circuit court judge, follows Lincoln on the program. Chicago Daily Press and Tribune (IL), 2 September 1858, 2:3; Peoria Daily Transcript (IL), 31 August 1858, 1:1; Washington Investigator (IL), 2 September 1858, 2:3; Speech at Tremont, Illinois, 30 August 1858, CW, 3:76-77.

Tuesday, August 31, 1858.+-

Carlinville, IL.

Lincoln arrives by train in the morning and proceeds to the American House. At three o'clock in the afternoon, at a place called Morton's Grove, he delivers a speech about the future of slavery in the United States. A local newspaper reports that Lincoln's speech is "honest, logical and telling." John M. Palmer, an attorney and a former member of the Illinois State Senate, follows Lincoln on the program and makes "one of his usual side-splitting speeches, dealing terrible blows to the bogus-Democracy in every sentence." Carlinville Free Democrat (IL), 2 September 1858, 2:4-5; Speech at Carlinville, Illinois, 31 August 1858, CW, 3:77-81.